Horizon Primary Academy, located in Swanley, Kent, is a school that has maintained its overall judgement of good following an ungraded inspection conducted on 23 and 24 April 2024. The headteacher, David Moss, leads the school, which is part of The Kemnal Academies Trust, overseen by CEO Dr. Karen Roberts and a board of trustees chaired by Gaenor Bagley. The inspection revealed that if a graded inspection were to occur, the school might achieve an outstanding rating.
Pupils at Horizon Primary Academy achieve exceptionally well, with many reaching the highest standards in reading, writing, and mathematics by the end of key stage two. The school fosters a positive learning environment through excellent relationships among staff and pupils, ensuring that lessons have a significant impact on learning. Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive strong support, preparing them well for their next educational steps. The school has an exemplary approach to promoting good attendance, utilizing innovative strategies to cultivate a culture that prioritizes attendance.
Students feel safe and happy at Horizon, where staff maintain high expectations for behaviour. The management of behaviour is skillful, focusing on rewards that encourage success. The school takes bullying seriously and acts swiftly to resolve any issues. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning and support one another, contributing positively to each other's well-being. They take pride in their responsibilities, such as serving as school councillors or members of the safety squad, which promotes a sense of belonging through various initiatives.
Horizon Primary Academy is ambitious for all its pupils, equipping them with essential knowledge and skills through a well-structured curriculum. The teaching of phonics and early reading is particularly effective, laying a strong foundation for learning from the start of Reception. Mathematics instruction enables pupils to tackle increasingly challenging problems with fluency and efficiency. In foundation subjects, the school identifies core knowledge to help staff create clear and connected lesson sequences, ensuring that pupils build their knowledge cumulatively over time.
Reading is central to the curriculum, with a strong emphasis on developing a love for reading through engaging texts and a community-wide focus on literature. The school celebrates reading achievements and motivates pupils through initiatives like the book vending machine. Staff provide targeted support for pupils at risk of falling behind, ensuring that all students learn to read quickly and fluently. The diverse cultural backgrounds of pupils are respected and celebrated, enhancing the school community.
Staff at Horizon possess secure subject knowledge and receive ongoing professional development to refine their teaching practices. The school quickly identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive appropriate support, often in collaboration with external agencies. The school excels in developing pupils' talents and interests, providing opportunities for all, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Lunchtime clubs and educational visits enrich the learning experience, making it memorable and engaging.
The leadership at Horizon is characterized by a shared commitment to excellence, with governors understanding the school's priorities and focusing on staff well-being. The staff take pride in their work, and parents express high levels of support for the school's efforts in educating their children. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, Horizon Primary Academy demonstrates a strong commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.