St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Swindon has been rated as a good school following its inspection in January 2019. The headteacher demonstrates strong leadership, fostering a culture of integrity and transparency among staff. His understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement is acute, and he is committed to addressing these with determination. The school’s Catholic ethos and diverse curriculum effectively support the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils, who exhibit respect and kindness towards one another, creating a strong sense of community.
Middle and phase leaders contribute positively to the school’s progress, although there are inconsistencies in teachers’ expectations across classes within the same year group. While teachers’ assessments are generally accurate, there are occasions when instruction does not fully align with the needs of all pupils, particularly those with previously high attainment. This can hinder some pupils from reaching their full potential. Nevertheless, pupils are motivated and take pride in their learning, particularly in mathematics, where teaching is consistently strong, enabling them to apply their knowledge confidently.
The school effectively utilizes additional funding for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they make good progress in reading. Writing instruction is typically good, but some classes do not provide enough opportunities for pupils to practice and apply their skills, affecting the complexity and accuracy of their writing. Phonics teaching has room for improvement, as it does not consistently address pupils’ misconceptions, which can impede their reading fluency.
Pupils enjoy school and exhibit consistently good behavior. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the education their children receive. The governing body plays a strategic role in ensuring high attainment levels by the end of key stage two, although their efforts to challenge leaders regarding pupil progress in every year group are still developing.
To enhance leadership and management, the school needs to ensure that phase leaders hold teachers accountable for maintaining high expectations. Governors should build on their recent work to hold leaders accountable for pupil progress across all year groups. Additionally, leaders’ checks on teaching quality and pupil progress should be refined to minimize discrepancies in teaching effectiveness.
To improve teaching, learning, and assessment, the school should ensure that pupils are sufficiently challenged in writing and that phonics instruction enables those who have previously underachieved to catch up. Teachers should consistently use assessments to tailor their teaching to meet the diverse needs of all pupils.
The school’s personal development and welfare initiatives are commendable, fostering a sense of belonging among pupils. They feel safe and supported, with older pupils taking on leadership roles and contributing positively to the school community. Attendance rates are above the national average, although some disadvantaged pupils do not attend regularly enough.
Overall, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School provides a good education, with strong leadership and a supportive environment. The school is well-positioned to address the identified areas for improvement, ensuring that all pupils can achieve their full potential and continue to thrive in their educational journey.