Swanland Primary School Academy Trust, located in North Ferriby, received an outstanding rating during its inspection on May 21-22, 2013. This was the school's first inspection since converting to an academy in August 2011. The inspection team found that the school excels in all areas, including the achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behavior and safety, and leadership and management. Pupils are exceptionally well-prepared for their future education, with high standards in reading, writing, and mathematics by the end of Year 6. The school promotes a strong ability in applying skills across subjects, contributing to the overall outstanding achievement of its students.
The behavior of pupils is exemplary, with excellent social skills demonstrated during collaborative work. The school places a strong emphasis on the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of its pupils, which is evident in their interactions and teamwork. The progress made by pupils from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6 is remarkable, attributed to consistently good and often outstanding teaching. The executive headteacher leads the school with a focus on continuous improvement, fostering a culture where teachers strive for excellence in their practice.
The curriculum is enriched with exciting lessons across various subjects, including science and art, ensuring that pupils develop well-rounded skills and knowledge. The inspection involved observing 25 lessons, discussions with pupils, and reviewing their work, which confirmed the high quality of education provided. The school also engages with parents and the local community, gathering feedback through questionnaires and informal meetings.
Swanland Primary School is larger than average, with most pupils of White British heritage. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is below average, and the school effectively supports these students to ensure they make rapid progress. The school meets government floor standards, indicating that it provides a satisfactory level of education for all pupils.
To further enhance its already outstanding performance, the school is encouraged to improve the formal recording of school improvement plans to better support its leadership. The quality of teaching is consistently high, particularly in Key Stage 2 and the Reception classes, with a strong focus on challenging all pupils. The use of questioning to extend learning is sophisticated, and pupils are engaged in their lessons, demonstrating a high level of motivation.
The school has successfully addressed previous challenges in teaching writing, which is now taught effectively across all classes. Pupils receive excellent feedback from teachers, helping them understand how to improve their work. The behavior and safety of pupils are also outstanding, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and social skills. The school has effective safeguarding procedures in place, ensuring that all pupils feel safe and supported.
Leadership and management are characterized by exceptional guidance from the executive headteacher, who has a proven track record of achieving excellence. The school leaders prioritize a few key improvement areas, allowing for focused and effective communication with staff. Governors play an active role in monitoring the school's performance and ensuring that resources are used effectively to support all pupils, particularly those eligible for free school meals.
Overall, Swanland Primary School Academy Trust is a highly effective institution that provides an exceptional education for its pupils, preparing them well for their future endeavors. The school's commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its students is evident in all aspects of its operation.