Djanogly Northgate Academy is a vibrant and diverse primary school located in New Basford, Nottingham. The school has been recognized as a good institution, with a strong emphasis on creating a positive learning environment for all pupils, including those in the early years. During the inspection conducted on June 20 and 21, 2023, it was noted that students are happy and engaged in their learning experiences. They frequently express enjoyment about various subjects and the trips they participate in, highlighting the school's commitment to providing a well-rounded education.
The leadership team at Djanogly Northgate Academy actively fosters a welcoming atmosphere for parents, reinforcing the school's role within the local community. Leaders prioritize the safety and well-being of students, ensuring that newcomers to the school receive adequate support to settle in. Attendance is a key focus, with efforts made to encourage regular school attendance among all pupils.
High expectations for behavior and attitudes towards learning are set by the school's leaders. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, demonstrate concentration and engagement during lessons. The school has effective measures in place to address any instances of bullying, ensuring that pupils feel comfortable discussing their concerns with trusted adults.
Djanogly Northgate Academy offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, including pupil action groups that engage in community fundraising and other projects. This involvement fosters a sense of pride and responsibility among students, who appreciate the leadership roles they are given.
The curriculum at the school is broad, interesting, and well-structured, with a clear focus on essential knowledge and skills. Leaders have integrated themes of diversity across subjects, enriching the learning experience. For instance, art lessons include studies of diverse artists, and local history is incorporated into the curriculum. Educational trips, such as visits to the British Museum, further enhance the learning process.
Teachers receive support to improve their instructional practices, particularly in mathematics, where clear learning steps are modeled effectively. Assessment practices are utilized to gauge pupil understanding, and time is allocated for revisiting prior learning to reinforce knowledge. However, there are instances where some teachers may not implement these strategies consistently, leading to gaps in understanding for some students.
The school has made significant strides in supporting pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they have equal access to learning opportunities. Reading is prioritized, with a diverse selection of recommended books available to students. Phonics instruction is well-structured, beginning in the early years, and teachers provide additional support to those who need it.
While behavior in the school is generally good, there are occasional reports of low-level disruption and the use of inappropriate language. The school takes these issues seriously, implementing sanctions and addressing them in assemblies. Attendance has shown improvement, but persistent absenteeism remains a concern, and leaders are encouraged to review their strategies to enhance regular attendance further.
Overall, Djanogly Northgate Academy is a school that effectively supports its pupils' academic and personal development. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that all students receive a high-quality education in a safe and nurturing environment. The school community is engaged, and there is a strong emphasis on collaboration between leaders, teachers, parents, and pupils to foster a positive educational experience.