The Commonweal School in Swindon, Wiltshire, has been recognized as a good school, with evidence suggesting that it could achieve an outstanding rating in a future graded inspection. The school fosters an inclusive and supportive community, embodying its name, which means for the good of all. It provides a high standard of education alongside a nurturing environment where staff know students as individuals. This personalized approach encourages students to strive for their best and pursue ambitious future plans.
Leaders at the school maintain high expectations for student behavior, promoting values such as responsibility and cooperation. This is reflected in the positive attitudes students display towards their learning and their supportive interactions with peers. Students express pride in attending Commonweal and enjoy their school experience. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including performing arts and sports clubs, as well as opportunities for overseas residential trips. Students also engage with local universities and employers, and many sixth-form students take on leadership roles, such as tutoring younger pupils.
The curriculum at Commonweal is broad and rich, with leaders aiming for more students to pursue the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects at key stage four. The proportion of students doing so has been steadily increasing. The school’s specialist resource provision allows students with special educational needs and disabilities to attend most lessons alongside their peers, with subject leaders adapting the curriculum to ensure all students can succeed. Staff are well-trained to support these students effectively.
Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and carefully plan assessments to gauge student learning over time. This data is used to inform future teaching and address any misconceptions. Current students show a strong retention of knowledge in their written work and verbal responses. The school’s reading program introduces students to a diverse range of texts, focusing on those who are at the early stages of learning to read to help them catch up quickly.
The sixth form at Commonweal is vibrant, offering a wide array of courses and qualifications. Many students choose to continue their education at the school, and it attracts a significant number of students from other local secondary schools. The sixth form provides high-quality teaching and regular opportunities for personal development.
Behavior throughout the school is calm, with many students engaging in physical activities during social times. When expectations are not met, clear sanctions are applied, along with support to help students improve their behavior. The school promotes a culture of respect, where derogatory language is rare and not tolerated. Pupils learn about their diverse community and develop an understanding of important social issues, including healthy relationships and mental health.
Leaders demonstrate a strong moral intent, making decisions in the best interests of students and involving staff in the decision-making process. This approach fosters a sense of value among staff, who feel informed and supported. Governors share the passion of senior leaders and are actively involved in supporting and challenging the school towards achieving its goals. Parents express overwhelming positivity regarding the school's provision.
The safeguarding arrangements at Commonweal are effective, with regular training for staff and governors. Leaders address safeguarding issues openly with students, ensuring they feel safe and have trusted adults to talk to about any concerns. Overall, the Commonweal School exemplifies a commitment to high standards of education and student well-being, positioning itself as a strong educational institution in the community.