Chiltern Hills Academy, located in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on September 21 and 22, 2022. The school is undergoing a transformative period, with leaders committed to ensuring that all pupils can experience life in its fullness. The overall sentiment among pupils is positive, reflecting a supportive and engaging environment. The curriculum offered is broad, and students appreciate the variety of subjects available to them. High aspirations are set for all students, both academically and personally, and those with special educational needs and disabilities generally receive effective support.
The school maintains high expectations for pupil behavior, which contributes to a positive and purposeful learning atmosphere. This environment fosters calmness throughout the school, allowing students to focus on their learning. Pupils express appreciation for these expectations, recognizing that they enhance their educational experience. Relationships among pupils and staff are overwhelmingly positive, with students feeling safe and confident that any incidents of bullying will be addressed effectively. The staff's commitment to knowing and caring for pupils as individuals is evident.
Chiltern Hills Academy is in the process of reinstating its extracurricular program, which had been limited due to building work and the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students are taking advantage of the clubs and trips now available, which include sports, performing arts, and leadership development activities. These opportunities are designed to prepare pupils for their future endeavors and the world of work.
Leaders at the school are ambitious for all pupils, with the curriculum being central to this vision. They aim for students to achieve the best possible qualifications. However, there is an acknowledgment that the number of pupils taking modern languages is currently low, which affects the school's ability to meet the criteria for the English Baccalaureate. Subject leaders are actively considering the content and sequencing of what pupils learn.
Teachers at the academy are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, generally presenting information clearly and checking for understanding. Consistent routines create a conducive learning environment, and most teachers ask thoughtful questions that encourage pupils to engage with their learning. However, there are instances where assessment information is not utilized effectively, which can hinder some pupils' progress. Leaders are committed to inclusion and provide training for staff to support pupils with special educational needs. The school has implemented effective reading interventions and promotes a culture of reading for pleasure.
The pastoral teams play a crucial role in fostering positive relationships between the school, pupils, and families, which is essential for maintaining a respectful environment. Following the pandemic, the school has reinforced its routines and rules, leading to consistent behavior management. Most pupils exhibit positive attitudes and take pride in their work, with sixth-form students modeling high standards of behavior.
Leaders have adapted the personal, social, health, and economic education program to prioritize mental health support. They are currently reviewing the program to ensure it is sequenced effectively for each year group. Careers education is a notable strength, supported by partnerships with businesses and educational providers, allowing pupils to engage in work placements and gain insights into the world of work.
The governing body has a clear vision for the school's future development, ensuring that staff receive high-quality training relevant to their roles. Staff feel well-supported and appreciated for their efforts. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to concerns, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. Overall, while the school is performing well, there are areas identified for improvement, particularly in the use of assessment and the sequencing of the PSHE curriculum.