Hessle High School and Penshurst Primary School, located in Hessle, East Yorkshire, is recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The headteacher, Vince Groak, leads the school, which is part of The Consortium Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Lizann Lowson and a board of trustees chaired by Ian Furlong. The school fosters a positive environment where a can-do attitude prevails among students aged three to nineteen. Long-term pupils welcome newcomers, creating a supportive community. The majority of students exhibit a positive mindset, which staff actively encourage, aiming to fuel aspirations for the future. The school is committed to providing an academically and socially ambitious education for all students.
The curriculum is rich and diverse, ensuring that pupils of all ages have access to a broad range of subjects. While some outcomes in 2023 did not meet the school's high expectations, leaders have swiftly implemented measures to support students moving forward. The school is inclusive, offering tailored support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, ensuring they can access the curriculum effectively. Strong relationships between staff and students contribute to a calm and purposeful learning environment, where pupils feel privileged to attend and staff feel fortunate to work.
The school excels in providing guidance and support as pupils grow, recognizing that learning extends beyond the classroom. Outdoor areas at the primary site promote purposeful play, while a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities, including Japanese language classes and sports, allow pupils to explore new interests. Staff members are part of an effective pastoral support team, and pupils can seek help from any adult in the school. House captains and school councillors advocate for their peers and promote sustainability initiatives.
The curriculum emphasizes the importance of reading, with a strong phonics program in place. Staff effectively support pupils needing additional help, and connections to prior learning are skillfully integrated into lessons. While pupils are generally attentive and eager to learn, some require more complex and challenging activities to fully realize their potential. The school actively promotes regular attendance, linking it to strong academic outcomes, although a small number of pupils struggle to meet expectations regarding their attitudes toward study.
The school engages with external agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND receive necessary support, and information about their needs is shared with staff. In early years, children are eager to learn, and staff effectively develop their language and communication skills. The personal development program covers various areas, including safety, health, and tolerance, while careers advice and employer interactions help pupils focus on their future education and employment paths.
The sixth form, attached to the main school, fosters positive interactions between older and younger students, with sixth formers acting as role models. The governance structure is robust, with trustees and the CEO providing support and challenge to school leaders. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
To improve, the school must ensure that the curriculum is consistently adapted to meet the diverse needs of all pupils, as current implementation does not always reflect their true potential. Additionally, fostering positive attitudes toward learning will help improve attendance and engagement among all students. Overall, Hessle High School and Penshurst Primary School continue to provide a supportive and ambitious educational experience for their pupils.