St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Devizes has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on December 13 and 14, 2022. The school embodies its vision of ‘shine’ through the behavior and attitudes of its pupils, who are described as polite, kind, and friendly. The school fosters an inclusive environment where new students are warmly welcomed into the community. Adults in the school are committed to the success of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The relationships between staff and students are characterized by respect and positivity, with staff attentive to the emotional well-being of the pupils.
The atmosphere within the school is calm and orderly, attributed to the high expectations set by the adults regarding pupil behavior. Students report that bullying is not an issue at the school, and they take pride in their roles as anti-bullying ambassadors. They feel confident that any concerns they have will be addressed by the staff. Leadership roles, such as those in the chaplaincy team and as house captains, are embraced by the pupils, who also engage in various extracurricular activities. They actively participate in fundraising for charities and promote mental health awareness through events like Odd Socks Day.
The school has made significant strides in enhancing its literacy and numeracy curriculums, ensuring they are well-structured and sequenced. The pastoral support provided to pupils and their families, along with the emphasis on Christian values, plays a central role in the school’s approach. As a result, pupils exhibit strong attitudes towards learning and demonstrate eagerness to engage in their education. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs, and have identified key knowledge in some subjects that pupils are expected to learn and retain.
In mathematics, the curriculum is designed to help pupils develop a quick recall of essential number facts, starting from a solid foundation in Reception Year. Teachers effectively use assessment information to identify gaps in knowledge and adapt the curriculum accordingly, particularly in phonics and mathematics. However, there are areas where assessment practices could be improved, leading to uncertainty about what pupils know in certain subjects.
While leaders have made positive changes to the curriculum in various subjects, they have yet to clearly define the key knowledge that pupils should learn in some areas. This has resulted in gaps in knowledge for some pupils. For instance, older pupils in design and technology struggled to recall essential skills that younger pupils could demonstrate. Reading is prioritized, with a robust phonics program in place that supports early readers. Most pupils who face challenges in reading develop confidence and fluency through targeted support.
The curriculum is designed to help pupils become well-rounded individuals who can positively impact their community. Initiatives such as the school parliament have empowered pupils to address local issues, such as road safety, in collaboration with community police. The school also encourages awareness of global inequalities through fundraising events. Opportunities for personal development are abundant, with a variety of clubs available, including drama, choir, and yoga.
Governors have a clear understanding of the school’s priorities and ensure that staff training aligns with these goals. Staff appreciate the professional development opportunities provided and recognize the support they receive for their well-being. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are effective, with well-trained staff who are vigilant in identifying and addressing concerns regarding vulnerable pupils. Overall, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, with areas identified for further improvement in curriculum design and assessment practices.