The New North Academy, located in Islington, London, was inspected on 12 and 13 October 2021. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good, with consistent ratings of good across various categories including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has a caring and inclusive environment where pupils feel happy and valued. They appreciate the friendly atmosphere and are taught about their rights and responsibilities from a young age. The behaviour policy is consistently applied by staff, fostering a culture of tolerance and respect among students.
Pupils engage in a diverse range of activities, including sports and music, which contribute to their development as well-rounded individuals. They are aware of different forms of bullying and report that such incidents are rare, with staff addressing any issues promptly. The school has seen a decrease in poor behaviour incidents, and leaders are committed to further improving behaviour standards. Staff members know the pupils well, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders ensured that all students, especially vulnerable ones, continued to learn and feel safe.
New students settle quickly into the nursery and reception classes, learning essential social skills such as taking turns and making friends. Daily lessons in reading and mathematics prepare them for future academic challenges. Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school, particularly appreciating the variety of opportunities available to their children.
Significant changes in staffing have occurred since the last inspection, with a new headteacher and chair of the governing body. Leaders have a clear vision for the school and ambitious goals for the curriculum, which is designed to be broad and inclusive, celebrating diversity. A priority for the school is to ensure that pupils learn to read with confidence and enjoyment. Staff are well-trained in phonics instruction, and early years leaders collaborate to ensure a coherent curriculum. However, some pupils at the early stages of reading occasionally receive books that do not match their phonics ability, which can hinder their progress.
The mathematics curriculum is effectively planned, allowing pupils to build on their prior knowledge and achieve well. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support tailored to their individual needs. Subject leaders are working to enhance the curriculum in other areas, such as history, ensuring that pupils can recall knowledge from previous lessons. However, there is a need for clearer links between past and future learning, as well as a focus on subject-specific vocabulary.
Leaders are aware of the necessary steps to further establish the curriculum across all subjects, and plans are in place to support staff development. Pupils generally have positive attitudes towards learning and enjoy the challenging work presented in lessons. Attendance is closely monitored, and leaders actively address any concerns with families. The school promotes resilience and respect, which underpins the positive behaviour observed among pupils.
The school prioritizes personal development and well-being, providing various experiences that support these areas. Outdoor learning and community engagement are integral to the curriculum, and after-school clubs are popular among students. The governing body and trust directors collaborate to oversee the school's development, with plans for more regular subject checks to enhance accountability.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a well-trained team overseeing procedures. Leaders and staff are knowledgeable about safeguarding protocols and ensure that pupils are educated about potential risks, including online safety. The new headteacher has identified areas for improvement in the curriculum, particularly in foundation subjects, and is taking steps to address these issues. Overall, the New North Academy demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.