Sheldwich Primary School, located in Faversham, Kent, has received an outstanding rating in its recent inspection conducted on May 21 and 22, 2024. The school is led by headteacher Sarah Garrett and operates as a single-academy trust overseen by a board of trustees chaired by David Milham. The inspection highlighted the exceptional quality of education provided, with all key areas including behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision rated as outstanding.
Pupils at Sheldwich Primary School express high levels of happiness and satisfaction with their school experience. From early years, children are taught the importance of friendship and social skills, fostering a sense of community. The school’s extensive outdoor facilities encourage interaction among pupils of all ages, creating a familial atmosphere that is highly valued by both students and their families. Feedback from pupils indicates that they see no areas for improvement within the school, reflecting their overall contentment.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including popular coding and chess clubs, and ensures that all pupils participate in inter-school sports by the end of Year 6. High expectations are set for all students, with tailored teaching and support provided to help each pupil achieve their best. The school emphasizes personal responsibility in behavior and learning, resulting in consistently positive attitudes and exemplary behavior among pupils. The school’s values of determination, resilience, friendship, honesty, respect, happiness, and kindness are actively upheld by the students, contributing to very high attendance rates.
Sheldwich Primary School is recognized for delivering a strong educational curriculum, with passionate and knowledgeable teachers who effectively assess and support pupils’ learning. The curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to revisit and consolidate their knowledge. The school has made significant improvements in writing instruction, addressing previous shortcomings in older pupils' writing achievements. As a result, pupils now demonstrate high standards in writing across all subjects.
In September 2022, the school implemented a new approach to teaching early reading, which has been successfully embedded. Staff are well-trained in early reading instruction, and careful assessments ensure that pupils at risk of falling behind receive prompt support. The school fosters a love of reading through regular read-aloud sessions, and pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards reading, discussing their preferences enthusiastically. Older pupils engage in extensive reading, which enhances their learning across the curriculum.
The pre-school program, Little Hedgehogs, caters to children from two and a half years old, with staff demonstrating expertise in child development. Positive relationships are established between staff, children, and families, facilitating smooth transitions into formal education. The early years curriculum is well-developed, ensuring children gain new experiences that enhance their understanding of the world.
Personal development is a key focus at Sheldwich Primary School, with effective teaching in personal, social, and health education. Pupils learn about diversity, equality, and respect for others, fostering a culture of inclusivity. The school provides numerous opportunities for pupils to engage in community service and fundraising, further enriching their educational experience.
The leadership team has a clear vision for the school, emphasizing the importance of every lesson and interaction. They maintain an outward-looking approach, continually refining the educational offerings for pupils. Staff well-being and professional development are prioritized, ensuring that educators are equipped to deliver the ambitious curriculum effectively. The school’s safeguarding arrangements are robust, contributing to a safe and supportive learning environment for all pupils.