Peareswood Primary School, located in Erith, Kent, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection in January 2017. The school is now rated as good in overall effectiveness, leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior and welfare, and outcomes for pupils. The leadership team, including trustees, governors, and staff, has worked diligently to enhance the quality of education provided to students. The teaching quality is consistently good, leading to strong progress for most pupils across various subjects. Standards have been on the rise, particularly in reading and mathematics, where previous performance was below average, especially for disadvantaged pupils.
The school has implemented effective strategies to address historical underachievement, and current disadvantaged pupils are making good progress. The leadership team closely monitors pupil progress and uses assessments to identify gaps in learning, ensuring that no pupil is left behind. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and relevant, with strong links between subjects that enhance the learning experience. Pupils benefit from a variety of educational trips that broaden their horizons and provide real-world context to their studies.
Pupils at Peareswood Primary School exhibit good behavior and demonstrate respect towards each other and adults. They feel safe and are taught how to maintain their safety in various situations. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively, preparing them to be responsible citizens. The school environment fosters positive relationships among pupils, contributing to a harmonious atmosphere during social times.
Despite the overall strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some teachers do not provide enough opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical skills in science, which can hinder progress. Additionally, while the teaching of reading is generally good, inconsistencies in developing comprehension skills across year groups have been noted. The most able pupils sometimes do not receive sufficient challenges in their learning, which affects their potential for progress.
In the early years provision, children are engaged in exciting activities that support their learning and development. However, there are instances where assessments are not used effectively to inform teaching practices, which can limit children's progress. The leadership team in the early years is aware of these challenges and is working to enhance the quality of education provided.
The school has a strong commitment to safeguarding, with effective procedures in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding matters and are vigilant in identifying any concerns regarding pupils' welfare. Parents generally express satisfaction with the school's efforts to keep their children safe and happy.
Overall, Peareswood Primary School has made commendable progress since its last inspection. The leadership team’s focus on improving teaching quality and pupil outcomes has resulted in a positive learning environment where pupils can thrive. Continued efforts to address the identified areas for improvement will further enhance the educational experience for all students, ensuring that they reach their full potential. The school is well-positioned to build on its successes and maintain its trajectory of improvement in the coming years.