Rastrick High School, located in Brighouse, West Yorkshire, has recently undergone an ungraded inspection on 10 and 11 October 2023. The school has maintained its overall judgement of good, with evidence suggesting that it could achieve an outstanding rating if a graded inspection were conducted. The head of school, Mathew Williams, leads the institution, which is part of the Polaris Multi Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Steve Evans and a board of trustees chaired by Duncan Brundell.
The school fosters a welcoming community where pupils feel proud to attend. They report feeling happy and safe, with effective measures in place to address rare instances of bullying. Academic achievement is a strong point, as reflected in high external examination outcomes and the depth of ongoing learning. The curriculum is carefully constructed to support both academic and personal development, equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills for life in modern Britain. Staff maintain high expectations, and pupils respond positively, demonstrating excellent behavior characterized by politeness and attentiveness in lessons.
Rastrick High School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, with over 50 clubs available weekly, catering for diverse interests from British Sign Language to pom pom club. This extensive offering is highly valued by parents and significantly enriches pupils' experiences. The school has implemented a highly ambitious curriculum that encourages pupils to reach higher levels of learning. For instance, in art, students utilize three-dimensional printers to enhance their understanding of computer-aided design. The curriculum is mapped out thoughtfully, allowing pupils to see connections between their past and future learning.
Teachers at Rastrick High School are knowledgeable and receive effective training to ensure high-quality education. They employ various teaching strategies tailored to their subjects, using perceptive questioning to deepen understanding and address misconceptions. The school provides a broad academic curriculum, allowing pupils to explore a variety of subjects in key stage three and choose from a wide range in key stage four. The school actively promotes academic subjects within the English Baccalaureate suite, with increasing numbers of pupils pursuing these qualifications.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive a high-quality curriculum, with teachers well-informed about the necessary support to help them thrive. The school prioritizes reading, offering tailored support for those at early stages of learning. Pupils who require additional help with phonics quickly catch up with their peers, and form tutors regularly read engaging texts to their classes, fostering a love for literature.
The school excels in promoting pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, teaching them the importance of respect and democracy. Pupils gain insights into various cultures and faiths, complemented by an annual cultural celebration week. The school also emphasizes career awareness, helping pupils consider their future pathways thoughtfully.
Rastrick High School values parental feedback and actively engages with parents to enhance the educational experience for pupils. Leaders, governors, and the trust collaborate closely to provide the best possible opportunities for students. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. This inspection marks the second ungraded evaluation since the school was last judged to be good in January 2015, reflecting its ongoing commitment to excellence in education.