The recent short inspection of The Joseph Whitaker School confirmed that it continues to provide a good quality of education. The leadership team, including the headteacher, governors, and trust leaders, has maintained high standards since the last inspection in December 2015. They are committed to ongoing improvements and have a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development. The leadership's regular evaluations of teaching quality and student progress are thorough and accurate, allowing for well-prioritized improvement plans supported by clear success criteria.
A notable strength of the school is its welcoming and inclusive ethos, which promotes fundamental British values. The school’s mantra, “proud to be me, proud to be us,” is evident in the positive attitudes and behaviors of students, as well as the strong relationships between staff and pupils. Since the last inspection, overall pupil progress by the end of key stage four has remained above average, with particular improvements noted for girls and middle-ability pupils. However, challenges remain for boys and disadvantaged pupils, whose progress varies across subjects. The school has identified these groups as a priority for improvement and has implemented new initiatives to enhance their progress, although it is too early to assess their impact.
The leadership has effectively strengthened subject leadership and professional development for staff, ensuring that expectations for performance are clear and supported by appropriate training. Staff morale is high, and there is a culture of sharing best practices within the school and across the trust. The school community, including parents and pupils, holds positive views about the school, with many expressing appreciation for its inclusive environment.
Safeguarding practices are robust, with effective policies and procedures in place to ensure pupil safety. Leaders are proactive in their approach, maintaining a culture of vigilance and ensuring that staff are well-trained to recognize and respond to safeguarding concerns. Pupils feel safe and well-cared for, and they know whom to approach with any worries. The school has also established a Learning and Inclusion Centre to provide tailored support for pupils' well-being.
The sixth form is effectively led, with good overall student attainment. Although there was a dip in progress in 2018, decisive actions by leaders have led to stronger progress for current students. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs and aspirations of students, including new vocational courses. Attendance is high, and students benefit from a comprehensive personal development program that prepares them for their future pathways.
Pupils generally exhibit positive behavior and attitudes towards learning, with low levels of disruption in lessons. The school promotes a strong ethos of inclusion and diversity, which is reflected in various initiatives and projects. Alternative provision for at-risk pupils is well-managed, and those with special educational needs and disabilities are making better progress due to enhanced support and engagement with parents and external agencies.
While teaching is generally well-planned and effective, there are variations in how pupils, particularly boys and disadvantaged students, engage with their learning, especially in tasks requiring deeper thinking. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities that are well-received by pupils, contributing to a well-rounded educational experience. Moving forward, the school aims to ensure that all pupils make consistent progress across the curriculum, particularly in extending their written work.