Kingsbury High School, located in London, has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on January 31 and February 1, 2024. Under the leadership of headteacher Alex Thomas, the school operates as a single-academy trust overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Sandra Ernstoff. The school has cultivated a vibrant and inclusive culture that fosters pupil success, with leaders maintaining high expectations for all students. The ethos and values instilled in pupils are significant, particularly as a Unicef Rights Respecting School, which contributes to a positive learning environment.
Students at Kingsbury High School feel valued and heard, with the student leadership team playing a crucial role in school decision-making and developing essential leadership skills. Regular attendance and a genuine enjoyment of learning are evident among pupils, who achieve commendable academic results. The sixth form offers an exceptional educational experience, with highly knowledgeable teachers who inspire students to aspire for their futures.
The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential, addressing barriers faced by vulnerable or disadvantaged students. Staff members foster warm relationships with pupils, contributing to a generally positive behavior culture throughout the school. Pupils report feeling happy and safe, with access to support from staff for any concerns they may have. The personal development program effectively supports pupils' health, welfare, and well-being.
Kingsbury High School boasts an ambitious and well-structured curriculum that emphasizes essential knowledge across a wide range of subjects, preparing students for future education, training, or employment. The leadership and management of the school are strong, with staff feeling supported and appreciating the training they receive. The school ensures that pupils achieve well, particularly in the sixth form, where teachers convey complex ideas clearly, leading to high outcomes.
Teachers demonstrate excellent subject knowledge and enthusiasm, engaging pupils effectively. However, there are instances where misconceptions in pupils' work are not consistently addressed, which can lead to persistent errors. The behavior policy is well understood, and pupils recognize the importance of good behavior, contributing to a reduction in suspensions. Most pupils exhibit good behavior in lessons, and staff respond fairly to those who struggle.
Attendance is a priority, with leaders implementing various systems to support improvement, resulting in high attendance rates. The school leadership has a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for development, with governors confident in their roles. The personal development program is comprehensive, covering relevant issues for pupils, including physical and mental health. While many pupils engage in extracurricular activities, there is room for improvement in participation rates to ensure all students benefit from these opportunities.
The school provides relevant careers education, equipping pupils with skills for their future. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students. To enhance its effectiveness, the school should focus on consistently addressing misconceptions in pupils' understanding and developing systems to ensure all pupils benefit from extracurricular opportunities. Overall, Kingsbury High School continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a high-quality education and supporting the personal development of its pupils.