The Sittingbourne School, located in Kent, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on March 21 and 22, 2023. The school demonstrates a strong commitment to high aspirations for all pupils, evident in its curriculum and the specially resourced provision for students with special educational needs and disabilities. Leaders effectively adapt the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of pupils, ensuring that all students have access to quality education. The school fosters a supportive and tolerant environment, with pupils actively participating in initiatives such as the LGBTQ+ society. They feel confident in reporting issues related to discrimination, racism, and bullying, and leaders address these concerns through character education and personal development lessons.
Pupil behavior is generally positive, with a settled atmosphere throughout the school. Incidents of bullying are infrequent, and when they do occur, staff are quick to address them. Clear routines and designated areas for different year groups contribute to a sense of safety among pupils. The school has implemented a well-planned curriculum that outlines the knowledge and skills required for all pupils, including those with SEND, from Year 7 through to the sixth form. Students have the opportunity to study a broad range of academic and vocational subjects, including those offered at the Skills Centre.
While the school has made progress in increasing the number of pupils studying modern foreign languages, there is still a need for more students to pursue the ambitious combinations of subjects required for the English Baccalaureate. Assessment practices are varied and effective, allowing staff to identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge, particularly in core subjects like English and mathematics. The focus on reading is commendable, with additional support provided for those who struggle, contributing to improved reading skills among pupils.
The personal development program is extensive, covering important ethical issues and promoting resilience and mental well-being. However, opportunities for pupils to engage with the wider community and demonstrate leadership skills are still developing. The careers program is well-structured, providing pupils with information about various career options.
Despite the overall positive findings, the school faces challenges with persistent absence rates, which remain too high. Leaders are working to identify barriers to attendance and improve regularity. Additionally, while suspensions are used appropriately, their frequency needs to decrease to ensure that all pupils benefit from consistent learning experiences. The school is reflective and continuously evaluates its practices to enhance provision, particularly in response to previous disappointing examination outcomes.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to identify and address risks promptly. The school maintains detailed records of concerns and collaborates with external agencies when necessary. Overall, The Sittingbourne School is committed to providing a supportive and effective educational environment, with ongoing efforts to improve attendance and academic outcomes for all pupils.