Forest Academy is a secondary school located in Hainault, Ilford, Essex, which has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as good. The school fosters a welcoming environment for students from diverse cultural and faith backgrounds, promoting a sense of community and respect among pupils. The leadership team, including governors, maintains high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is ambitious and designed to provide high-quality education, resulting in good overall achievement across various subjects.
Students report feeling safe and happy at school, benefiting from positive relationships with staff that reflect the school's culture of respect. The orderly and calm learning environment minimizes disruptions, allowing students to focus on their studies. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, school leaders address them promptly. Pupils demonstrate good behavior and social skills, knowing whom to approach with any concerns. The school has implemented various supportive programs aimed at promoting students' well-being and mental health.
The personal, social, and health education program, along with careers education, plays a crucial role in students' personal development. Pupils engage in a variety of extracurricular activities, ranging from debate and cooking to basketball and badminton, which help them explore their interests outside the classroom. The curriculum is well-structured, aligning with national standards, and leaders are actively working to enhance the sequencing of knowledge across subjects. However, some areas, such as history, mathematics, and languages, require further development to ensure that teaching effectively supports students' retention of knowledge.
In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of pupils opting to study modern foreign languages, contributing to a higher proportion of students pursuing the English Baccalaureate qualification. The school offers a broad range of subjects for GCSE options, allowing students to tailor their education to their interests and aspirations. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and effectively model work while promoting the use of subject-specific vocabulary.
While teachers often revisit previous learning to reinforce understanding, inconsistencies exist in how well they check for students' comprehension and adjust learning activities accordingly. This variability can hinder students' long-term retention of knowledge and their ability to meet the curriculum's demanding goals. Pupils with special educational needs have access to the same curriculum as their peers, with leaders ensuring timely identification and support.
Reading is prioritized across the curriculum, with targeted support for weaker readers to help them become fluent. The school is actively working to cultivate a reading culture by introducing new programs and encouraging students to engage with high-quality texts. Overall, pupils learn in a calm environment, and their attendance rates are high.
The emphasis on personal development is evident in the PSHE program, which covers essential topics such as healthy relationships, online safety, and British values. The school also provides high-quality careers education, including workshops and partnerships with local businesses. Staff express pride in their work at the school, noting that leaders are attentive to their workload and well-being, and they receive regular training to enhance their expertise.
Governors are knowledgeable and hold school leaders accountable for students' learning outcomes. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of vigilance and collaboration with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils. Leaders ensure that staff receive appropriate training and maintain meticulous records to address concerns promptly. The PSHE curriculum is responsive to students' experiences, teaching them about local risks and online safety. Overall, Forest Academy demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for all its students.