Humphrey Perkins School, located in Barrow-upon-Soar, Loughborough, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as inadequate. The recent inspection, conducted in March 2020, has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across various areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. The school has established a strong culture of learning, with new leadership ensuring that pupils are well-supported and able to thrive academically and socially. Relationships between pupils and staff are characterized by mutual respect and support, contributing to a safe and nurturing environment.
Pupils report that behavior has improved, with most demonstrating positive attitudes towards their learning. Incidents of poor behavior are managed effectively by staff, and bullying is reported to be rare, with prompt and effective responses when it does occur. The leadership team is ambitious for all pupils, having worked diligently to enhance the curriculum to better meet the needs of students. The new curriculum is designed to equip pupils with the necessary knowledge and skills for future success, and it emphasizes the importance of personal development, encouraging pupils to become active and caring citizens.
The school promotes the '4Rs' of reliance, reciprocity, reflectiveness, and resourcefulness, which are integrated into various activities and help pupils develop essential life skills. Extra-curricular opportunities are abundant, allowing pupils to explore their talents in music, drama, and public speaking. The leadership team has a clear vision for the school and is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that every pupil is encouraged to aim high and achieve their potential.
While the curriculum has been successfully implemented in core subjects like English and science, some subjects, such as history and languages, are still in the early stages of development. This has resulted in some pupils experiencing gaps in their knowledge, which the school is actively working to address. Leaders have introduced effective strategies to help pupils retain what they have learned, including revisiting key concepts and using questioning techniques to deepen understanding.
The school has made strides in improving attendance and behavior, with a calm atmosphere in lessons and effective support for pupils who require additional help. The personal development program is well-structured, providing pupils with valuable guidance on careers and further education. Many pupils take on leadership roles within the school, contributing to a sense of community and responsibility.
The trust that oversees the school has played a crucial role in its transformation, with staff expressing appreciation for the support and recognition they receive from leaders. The school is gaining the confidence of its community, with parents and carers acknowledging the positive changes implemented by the new leadership team.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety embedded within the school. Staff are well-trained to identify and respond to concerns, ensuring that pupils are protected and supported. The school effectively teaches pupils about safety and well-being, further enhancing the supportive environment.
Despite the progress made, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that the curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced across all subjects. Leaders are aware of the need to adapt the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of pupils, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities. Ongoing training for teaching assistants is essential to ensure that all pupils can achieve the ambitious goals set by the school. Overall, Humphrey Perkins School is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to excellence in education and the well-being of its pupils.