Coombe Girls’ School, located in New Malden, Surrey, has recently undergone an inspection that evaluated its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on the 1st and 2nd of May 2024, and the school has been noted for its strong leadership and management, as well as its commitment to providing a high-quality education for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs. The headteacher, Emily Barns, leads the school, which is part of the Coombe Academy Trust, overseen by CEO Esther Brooks and a board of trustees chaired by Emma Thomas.
The school has a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages girls to be curious and creative. Leaders maintain high expectations for all students, including those in the sixth form, and the broad curriculum offers a wide range of choices for pupils in key stage four and sixth form. Most pupils demonstrate good behavior in lessons, although there are areas where behavior management systems could be further developed to ensure consistency. Pupils in key stage four achieve well across all subjects, and the school is particularly focused on preparing all students, especially the most disadvantaged, for adult life.
Coombe Girls’ School emphasizes the importance of personal development, providing a rich and broad range of experiences that help pupils nurture their talents and develop character. Events like ‘Culture Day’ foster an understanding of global issues, and the school aims to cultivate active citizenship among its students. A comprehensive careers program ensures that pupils are well-informed about future options, supporting their aspirations effectively.
While the school has made significant strides in improving the curriculum, particularly in the sixth form, there are still areas for growth. The attainment of students by the end of Year 13 in 2023 was below the national average, prompting leaders to implement changes to strengthen the curriculum. Trustees and governors are actively involved in supporting the school, although some subject leaders need a clearer understanding of curriculum implementation.
The personal development provision is highly regarded, with staff teaching pupils about diversity, respect for different beliefs, and how to maintain healthy relationships. The school provides exceptional support for developing bespoke career pathways, including for pupils with special educational needs. Teachers generally check pupils' learning effectively, using assessment information to ensure understanding before progressing to new content. However, in some subjects, the curriculum aims are not consistently implemented, which can limit deeper knowledge and skills development.
Reading is a priority at the school, with initiatives in place to support pupils who are at early stages of reading. The school ensures that pupils with special educational needs learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers, with teachers receiving clear guidance on how to meet their needs.
Pupils generally behave well during break and lunchtime, enjoying social interactions and activities. While most lessons have clear routines and high expectations, the new behavior management approach is not yet fully embedded, leading to occasional off-task behavior that disrupts learning. Attendance is generally good, with systems in place to address any issues.
The safeguarding arrangements at Coombe Girls’ School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. However, the school recognizes the need to further embed recently introduced systems and procedures among staff to ensure a consistent approach to behavior and learning expectations. Overall, the school is committed to realizing its vision through strong values and practices, aiming to enhance the educational experience for all its pupils.