Tree Tops Primary Academy is a primary school located in Maidstone, Kent, which has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection. The school is part of the Leigh Academies Trust and serves a diverse student population, with a high proportion of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. The recent inspection highlighted the school’s overall effectiveness as good, with outstanding leadership and management. The principal leads a dedicated team focused on improving educational quality, and the impact of their efforts is evident in the progress of pupils over time.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is rated as good and continues to improve. Most pupils are making good or better progress, thanks to the hard work of the staff who prioritize social and emotional development alongside academic achievement. The school environment is positive, with pupils expressing enjoyment in their learning experiences. Parents have also noted significant improvements in the school over the past two years, reflecting a strong partnership between the school and families.
Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities are increasingly achieving well, with their outcomes improving rapidly. The early years provision is well-managed, providing children with a strong start to their education. The school places a high emphasis on personal development, behavior, and welfare, with a notable improvement in pupil behavior and a strong culture of safeguarding. Attendance has improved, although there is still work to be done to reduce persistent absence.
Despite the overall positive outcomes, the school recognizes the need to enhance the rates of progress for the most able pupils to ensure a greater depth of learning in core subjects. Additionally, leaders are focused on further developing the curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of all pupils and builds on their prior learning effectively. The school has made significant strides in embedding changes to the curriculum, but leaders acknowledge that more work is needed to ensure these changes are fully effective.
The governance of the school is a strength, with effective communication between the trust board and the school’s development group. This strong governance allows for informed decision-making and accountability, supporting the school’s continuous improvement. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with staff trained to recognize and act on any concerns regarding pupil welfare.
Overall, Tree Tops Primary Academy is a school that has made commendable progress since its last inspection. The leadership team is committed to maintaining high standards and ensuring that all pupils receive a quality education that prepares them for future success. The school community is positive, with strong relationships between staff, pupils, and parents contributing to a supportive learning environment. The focus on continuous improvement and the well-being of pupils positions the school well for future success.