Hungerhill School, located in Edenthorpe, Doncaster, was inspected on 17-18 October 2012 and received an overall rating of outstanding. This was the first inspection since the school converted to an academy in March 2012. The school is larger than the average secondary school, with a diverse student body, although the proportion of students from minority ethnic groups is below average. The school has a significant number of students eligible for the pupil premium, which is rising.
The inspection found that students make exceptional progress and achieve standards in public examinations that are significantly higher than national averages. Almost all students attain at least five GCSEs at grades A* to C, including English and mathematics. The school effectively supports all groups of students, including those with special educational needs and those eligible for the pupil premium, ensuring they make better progress than expected.
The quality of teaching at Hungerhill School is outstanding, characterized by teachers' detailed subject knowledge and excellent relationships with students. Lessons are typically engaging and challenging, fostering a positive learning environment. However, some lessons occasionally contain too many activities, which can hinder students' ability to fully develop their understanding of the topics.
Students' behavior is exemplary, both in lessons and around the school. They demonstrate respect for one another and show kindness and consideration. The school promotes a strong culture of safety, with students well-informed about how to keep themselves safe. Attendance rates are consistently high, reflecting students' positive attitudes towards school.
Leadership and management at the school are also outstanding. The headteacher and senior staff have established effective working practices that encourage both staff and students to strive for improvement. The leadership team has successfully implemented strategies that have led to significant increases in student progress and attainment over several years. The governing body is actively involved in the school's development, providing support while also holding leaders accountable for performance.
The school has received various awards, including Healthy School status and Sportsmark, and it works with external organizations to provide additional support for students. The school’s self-evaluation processes are rigorous, ensuring that teaching quality is continuously monitored and improved.
To further enhance its performance, the school aims to ensure that students have sufficient time in lessons to think and reflect on their learning, rather than just completing tasks quickly. This focus on deepening understanding will help students maximize their potential.
Overall, Hungerhill School is an excellent educational institution that prepares its students exceptionally well for the next stages of their education, training, or employment. The combination of outstanding teaching, effective leadership, and a supportive environment contributes to the school's success and the high levels of achievement among its students.