Stradbroke High School, located in Suffolk, has recently undergone an ungraded inspection on November 21 and 22, 2023. The outcome of this inspection confirms that the school maintains its overall judgement of good. However, the evidence gathered during the inspection suggests that the school could potentially achieve an outstanding rating if a graded inspection were conducted at this time. The headteacher, Karen Millar, leads the school, which is part of the Sapienta Education Trust, overseen by CEO Jonathan Taylor and a board of trustees chaired by Peter Rout.
Students at Stradbroke High School express a strong sense of belonging, describing the school environment as a large family where they feel exceptionally safe. They appreciate the opportunity to attend the school and display high levels of confidence when discussing their experiences. The expectations set for students are high, and they respond positively, demonstrating hard work and dedication in their studies. This commitment is reflected in their substantial academic achievements. The school also emphasizes character development, with students exhibiting enthusiasm, kindness, and friendliness in lessons and throughout the school.
The variety of extracurricular activities available at Stradbroke High School excites students, who actively participate in numerous clubs and events. Opportunities to visit significant historical sites, such as World War I battlefields and the Houses of Parliament, are highly valued. Additionally, students play a vital role in engaging with the local community through leadership roles within the school.
The quality of education at Stradbroke High School is commendable, with a well-structured and ambitious curriculum that enables students to achieve high academic standards. Teachers are well-prepared and knowledgeable, effectively assessing students' understanding and providing timely support to address any misconceptions. Students with special educational needs and disabilities receive tailored support, allowing them to excel. The school’s reading support program has proven effective for those struggling with literacy.
Pupil behavior is a testament to the school's high expectations, with a calm and orderly environment that fosters concentration and focus. Interactions among students from different year groups are friendly, and incidents of unkindness are rare. The school has established clear systems to support attendance, ensuring that students attend regularly.
Stradbroke High School offers ample opportunities for students to engage with their community and experience life beyond the classroom. The Voice of Stradbroke High initiative allows students to participate in various community activities, including coordinating events and supporting local primary schools. The school’s personal, social, health, and economic education program is comprehensive, providing students with essential life skills and career information.
Leadership at Stradbroke High School is characterized by a clear vision that has driven significant improvements since the last inspection in January 2018. Staff members are positive about their roles and take pride in their work, benefiting from effective professional development opportunities. Parental support for the school is strong, with many expressing satisfaction with the education their children receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding at Stradbroke High School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students. The inspection team noted the school’s commitment to maintaining high standards in safeguarding practices. Overall, Stradbroke High School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes academic excellence, character development, and community engagement, positioning its students for future success.