Netherthorpe School, located in Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, underwent an inspection on October 4 and 5, 2022. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, alongside the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. However, the sixth-form provision received a good rating. The previous inspection in February 2017 also rated the school as good.
The education provided at Netherthorpe School is inconsistent, with varying levels of teaching quality across different lessons. Some teachers do not maintain high expectations for their pupils, while others deliver effective instruction. Pupils have reported that disruptive behavior from peers can hinder their learning, and the response from teachers to manage such behavior is inconsistent and at times ineffective. Despite these challenges, many pupils recognize positive aspects of the school, such as supportive teachers and a safe environment where bullying is not tolerated. There are numerous opportunities for pupil leadership and extracurricular activities, although not all students are benefiting from initiatives aimed at fostering confidence and resilience.
The school has developed an ambitious curriculum that offers a wide range of subjects, particularly in key stage four. Subject leaders have carefully planned the curriculum to build on prior knowledge and deepen understanding. Most teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge and often check for understanding before progressing. However, some teachers move too quickly through the material without ensuring that pupils grasp essential concepts, leading to gaps in knowledge that affect student achievement. While many teachers tailor their lessons to meet pupils' needs, there are instances where this is not done effectively, resulting in lower-quality work from students.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is in place, but some targets set for these pupils are overly broad, making it difficult for staff to provide effective support. Leaders emphasize the importance of building positive relationships between staff and pupils as a means to improve behavior, but the overall behavior in the school remains a concern. Inconsistent application of behavior management protocols by staff has led to disruptions, and some pupils do not adhere to school rules.
Pupils benefit from age-appropriate relationships education and are proud to showcase their achievements. The school has increased pastoral support capacity, but there is a need for more effective strategies to help pupils develop resilience and character. The sixth form offers a high-quality academic experience, with students well-prepared for their future endeavors. They have opportunities to mentor younger pupils and express satisfaction with the sixth-form provision.
Trustees have not been adequately informed by the shared service team and the academy improvement board, which has hindered their ability to support and challenge school leaders effectively. New senior leaders are determined to enhance the quality of education at the school. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize signs that a pupil may need help. The school maintains detailed safeguarding records and collaborates with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils.
To improve, the school must ensure that teachers consistently check for prerequisite knowledge before introducing new concepts, match activities closely to curriculum aims, and break down broad targets for pupils with special educational needs into manageable steps. Consistent application of behavior policies and high expectations for pupil conduct are essential for fostering a positive learning environment. Additionally, the development of the wider curriculum to enhance pupils' resilience and character is necessary for their overall growth and success.