Hanwell Fields Community School, located in Banbury, Oxfordshire, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in July 2019. The headteacher leads with a strong commitment to inclusivity and high achievement for all pupils. The leadership team, including governors and trust representatives, effectively supports and holds the school accountable for its performance. Over the past year, there has been notable improvement in pupils' progress in English and mathematics, particularly in key stage two, with a higher proportion of pupils meeting expected standards in writing and mathematics compared to the national average.
The curriculum is vibrant and engaging, providing pupils with diverse learning opportunities across various subjects, contributing to their overall good progress. The quality of teaching is generally good, although there are instances where the most able pupils could benefit from more opportunities to develop their creative ideas independently. The school places significant emphasis on pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, ensuring they are well-prepared for life in modern Britain.
Strong partnerships with parents and carers enhance the school's community feel, with many parents expressing satisfaction with the school's efforts. The early years provision is safe and stimulating, fostering children's confidence and ensuring they are well-prepared for Year 1. The school prioritizes the care and welfare of its pupils, resulting in a harmonious environment where pupils feel safe and valued. Additional funding is utilized effectively to support disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they make good progress. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive personalized support tailored to their needs.
While the teaching of reading has improved, there is still a need to enhance pupils' comprehension skills across the curriculum. Safeguarding measures are robust, with pupils reporting that they feel safe at school. The school has identified areas for further improvement, including providing more opportunities for the most able pupils to develop their creative ideas and enhancing reading comprehension skills across subjects.
The leadership and management of the school are characterized by dedication and a clear vision for improvement. The headteacher and her team have successfully fostered a strong sense of community, and staff feel empowered to support one another and share best practices. Regular feedback and professional development opportunities contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning.
Governance is effective, with trustees and governors working closely with school leaders to enhance teaching quality through targeted professional development. They possess a thorough understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to support and challenge leaders effectively. The school has made significant strides in improving teaching and learning, particularly in mathematics and writing, while also ensuring that pupils with additional needs receive appropriate support.
The early years provision is well-managed, with children making good progress from lower-than-typical starting points, particularly in communication and language. Staff engage children in meaningful activities that promote learning and development. The school actively involves parents in their children's education, offering workshops and opportunities for collaboration.
Overall, Hanwell Fields Community School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education, fostering a positive learning environment, and ensuring the well-being of its pupils. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement, with a focus on enhancing opportunities for all learners.