South Wigston High School, located in Wigston, Leicestershire, has undergone significant changes in recent months, resulting in an improved educational environment for its pupils. The school, which is part of the Learning without Limits Academy Trust, is led by Principal Lorna Chandler and overseen by CEO John Henrys and Chair Jeffery Knight. The recent inspection conducted on April 16 and 17, 2024, concluded that the school requires improvement in several areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. This follows a previous inspection that rated the school as inadequate.
Pupils at South Wigston High School have noted positive changes, particularly in the quality of education across various subjects. They appreciate the improved behavior within the school and the more positive relationships with staff. Most students conduct themselves well, interact respectfully with their peers and teachers, and understand the importance of following instructions. They enjoy earning reward points for demonstrating the school’s values, such as tidiness and kindness. However, inconsistencies in the quality of education still affect how effectively pupils learn, with some struggling to engage fully with their studies.
The school has made strides in increasing expectations for pupil achievement, but some students still lack confidence in their abilities. The Phoenix Centre, which provides additional support for certain pupils, has been well-received, although students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) do not always receive the necessary support. Attendance remains a concern, particularly among vulnerable pupils who are frequently absent.
School leaders are committed to improving the educational provision, but they must prioritize effectively to ensure sustainable progress. While the learning environment is generally suitable, some pupils lack belief in their capabilities, which affects their commitment to their studies. The curriculum has been thoughtfully designed in some subjects, but in others, it is still being developed, leading to gaps in knowledge and vocabulary that hinder ambitious learning.
Most teachers are subject specialists who present information clearly, but they sometimes fail to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge before moving on to new content. This inconsistency affects pupils' recall and overall achievement. The school recognizes the need to enhance support for pupils with SEND, and while some benefit from targeted assistance, not all staff are fully aware of how to meet these pupils' needs effectively.
Pupils have daily opportunities to read with staff, and the library is well-stocked with appropriate resources. However, support for reading has only recently been arranged for those needing extra help. The personal development curriculum is comprehensive but inconsistently implemented, leading to variable understanding among pupils regarding important topics such as British values and cultural awareness.
Staff morale is high, and they feel supported in their roles, appreciating the opportunities for professional development. The school has improved communication with parents, although some still express concerns about how their issues are addressed. The guidance from the multi-academy trust has been crucial in the school's improvement journey, providing resources and training to enhance educational quality.
The inspection highlighted effective safeguarding arrangements, ensuring that pupils are protected and supported. However, the school must address inconsistencies in curriculum planning and implementation, particularly for SEND pupils, and work on improving attendance and engagement among all students. By focusing on these areas, South Wigston High School can continue to build on its recent improvements and strive for excellence in education.