Ofsted conducted a short inspection of St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls on 17 May 2018, following its previous judgment of good in December 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. Beverley Stanislaus, has shown persistence in driving the school forward, addressing areas for improvement identified in the last inspection. Governors and local authority representatives commend the positive changes made since her appointment, including successful partnerships with other schools to enhance staff development and pupil support.
The school has recognized past low outcomes for pupils in certain areas and has implemented effective strategies to improve standards. These efforts are yielding clear results, with reduced variation in performance across subjects and a significant narrowing of the gap between mathematics and English. Pupils with higher prior attainment are increasingly making the progress expected of them, although the needs of these pupils remain a priority for the leadership team.
Improvement planning and evaluation have become more focused and aligned across the school. Leaders have an accurate understanding of the school's current performance and work collaboratively to identify barriers to learning for specific pupil groups. This collaborative approach fosters the sharing of good practices, enhancing overall achievement. However, some inconsistencies in teaching quality and pupil outcomes persist.
Staff morale is high, with middle leaders demonstrating enthusiasm and ambition to improve pupil outcomes. New teachers report receiving strong support, and those new to the profession feel they are making significant progress. The school's motto, Caritate et Disciplina with Love and Learning, reflects a collective commitment to enhancing pupils' life chances.
The school promotes a welcoming and inclusive ethos, with pupils appreciating its diverse and community-oriented environment. The effective promotion of well-being is a key factor in pupils' success, as most report feeling well-supported in their academic and personal needs. Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety evident throughout the school. Staff are well-informed about their safeguarding responsibilities, and pupils feel safe and supported in raising concerns.
The inspection focused on several key areas, including improvements in mathematics outcomes, strategies for supporting disadvantaged pupils, and the effectiveness of teaching for all pupils, particularly the most able. New leadership in mathematics has positively impacted pupil progress, with all groups now showing stronger performance. Strategies to support disadvantaged pupils are reversing previous declines in their performance, with evidence of better progress and achievement of target grades.
However, some teachers still need to employ the most effective strategies for meeting the needs of disadvantaged pupils, and governors must enhance their monitoring of pupil premium spending. The school has also recognized the need for more challenging activities for higher-attaining pupils, as past expectations have been too low. Recent actions to improve progress are showing promise, although opportunities for deeper pupil engagement in discussions are sometimes missed.
In the sixth form, leadership has maintained strong progress across subjects, with improvements noted in work-related courses. Leaders have provided better guidance on course requirements, leading to more appropriate course selections and improved student outcomes. The school is encouraged to continue sharing best practices and to provide clearer support for disadvantaged and most-able pupils to further enhance consistency and achievement across the board.