Ofsted conducted a visit to Rockwood Academy on 8 October 2020, following the school’s full reopening on 3 September 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic. The visit was part of a broader initiative to assess how schools are managing the return to full education after an extended period of disruption. The visit was not an inspection and did not involve graded judgments or the usual range of inspection activities, such as lesson observations or reviewing pupils' work. Instead, it focused on discussions with the headteacher and leadership team to understand the school's current situation and actions taken since the full reopening.
During the visit, it was noted that attendance at Rockwood Academy was in line with typical figures for this time of year, indicating a successful return to school for pupils. The leadership team had made significant efforts to reassure parents during the previous months when the school was not fully open. Staff maintained daily contact with pupils and their families, which helped alleviate concerns about returning to school. The school has continued this practice by reaching out to parents when pupils are absent, providing support and encouragement for attendance.
The curriculum at Rockwood Academy has been adjusted to ensure that all pupils are studying the full range of subjects typically offered. Leaders have made modifications to curriculum plans to address any missed content due to the pandemic, with the goal of returning to the usual curriculum by summer 2021. The school has also implemented changes to the school day to include additional time for activities that promote mental and physical well-being. For instance, daily reminders about key COVID-19 messages are provided to pupils.
Teachers at Rockwood Academy are actively assessing pupils' knowledge and understanding in each lesson. This approach has enabled educators to identify areas where pupils may have gaps in their learning. For example, some pupils have struggled to remember key vocabulary in science. To address these gaps, formal tests are being administered across all year groups, and teachers are analyzing the results to inform their teaching strategies.
In addition to in-person learning, the school has developed online platforms to facilitate remote learning. These platforms allow pupils to participate in lessons from home if necessary, and they are provided with practical resources to support their learning. For instance, Year 10 and Year 11 pupils in modern foreign languages have received revision guides to aid their studies.
The visit concluded without any significant concerns being raised about the school's operations. The information gathered during this visit will contribute to Ofsted's national reporting, helping to inform the government and the education sector about the current state of schools in England. The leadership team at Rockwood Academy has demonstrated a proactive approach in managing the challenges posed by the pandemic, ensuring that pupils receive a comprehensive education while also prioritizing their well-being. The insights shared during the visit will play a role in shaping future educational policies and practices. Overall, the visit highlighted the school's commitment to providing a supportive and effective learning environment for all pupils during a challenging time.