The Roundhill Academy is a secondary comprehensive school located in Thurmaston, Leicester, which has undergone significant changes in leadership and staffing. The recent inspection conducted on July 3 and 4, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement, reflecting ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education and student experience. The school is recognized for its welcoming environment, where positive relationships between staff and pupils are evident. The atmosphere is generally calm and orderly, with staff maintaining high expectations for learning and behavior. However, students have reported instances of disruption during lessons, indicating that further improvements are necessary.
Pupils express a sense of safety within the school and are increasingly confident in discussing concerns with staff. While most issues are addressed, there are reports of bullying and disrespectful language that are not always resolved effectively. Despite these challenges, many students achieve well, particularly by the end of key stage four. However, the academic needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as disadvantaged students, are not consistently met in the classroom.
The school offers various enrichment opportunities, such as performances and events, but students desire a broader range of activities. Leaders are committed to improving all aspects of the school, receiving strong support from trust leaders. They actively seek external evaluations to ensure effective improvements. Some areas of the school's provision have seen rapid enhancement, particularly in safeguarding measures and support for pupils with SEND.
Subject leaders have outlined essential knowledge for pupils and developed learning journeys to facilitate knowledge acquisition. Teachers generally possess strong subject knowledge and create engaging learning activities. However, there are instances where teachers do not adequately assess pupils' understanding, leading to incomplete tasks and a lack of initiative among students. The needs of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are not always prioritized, resulting in lower achievement levels for these groups.
The school is making strides in supporting early reading development, helping pupils gain confidence in their reading abilities. However, the personal development program does not sufficiently prepare students for life in modern Britain, as many struggle to recall key messages about British values and protected characteristics. Initiatives promoting inclusion and diversity are in their early stages, and students express a desire for more opportunities to engage with these topics.
While many pupils exhibit good behavior, inconsistencies in the implementation of the behavior policy have been noted, leading to varying standards of conduct depending on the teacher. Attendance rates are generally good, but disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND attend less regularly than their peers.
Staff generally understand the vision for the school's future, but some feel a lack of shared understanding, affecting overall morale. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities. The school has improved oversight of off-site provisions for vulnerable pupils, ensuring their well-being.
To improve, the school must raise expectations for pupil achievement across all subjects and year groups, ensuring that all teachers are equipped to check understanding effectively. The academic support for disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND needs to be prioritized to enhance their engagement and achievement. Additionally, the school should work on fostering a culture where all pupils feel comfortable reporting concerns and ensure that the personal development curriculum effectively prepares students for life in modern Britain. Overall, while The Roundhill Academy is on a path of improvement, there remains significant work to be done to achieve excellence in all areas.