Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Kenton School on November 16, 2023, following three previous judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to assign an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the principal, the chief executive officer, the executive principal, and members of the local governing body, as well as observations of lessons and reviews of student work.
Since the appointment of Sinead Green as principal in March 2023, the school has made notable progress, particularly in improving the quality of education. The multi-academy trust has recruited new staff, including an executive headteacher and curriculum directors, to support these efforts. The school has implemented new strategies for delivering the curriculum, including a revised lesson structure. While many teachers consistently apply these strategies, there is variability in their effectiveness across the staff.
Leaders have worked with curriculum directors to enhance the curriculum, resulting in improved published outcomes. In stronger subjects, refinements have been made to the knowledge that students are expected to learn. For instance, in English, the sequence of topics has been adjusted to help students connect new learning with prior knowledge. However, some subjects require a complete redesign of the curriculum, and these changes are still being embedded. There is a need for further work to ensure that the curriculum effectively addresses gaps in students' knowledge.
Significant improvements have also been observed in student behavior. Leaders have raised expectations for conduct, and new behavior systems have positively impacted the learning environment. Disruptions to learning have decreased, and there has been a dramatic reduction in suspensions and removals from lessons compared to the previous year. The introduction of the Aspire provision has provided targeted support for students exhibiting challenging behavior, with positive feedback from students regarding its impact.
Attendance has improved since the last inspection, although some students still do not attend school regularly enough. The number of persistently absent students remains high, despite improvements. Attendance for certain groups, such as those with education, health, and care plans, has significantly improved. The school recognizes attendance as a key area for improvement, and senior leaders are aware of the need for continued efforts to enhance attendance rates. Observations in lessons indicate that poor attendance has resulted in gaps in students' knowledge.
The school has established clear improvement plans to address the areas identified in the previous inspection. These plans are monitored and evaluated by the principal, other leaders, and the trust. Support from another multi-academy trust has been accessed to review behavior and attendance systems. The leadership team is committed to ensuring rapid improvement, although they acknowledge that further work is needed regarding attendance and the quality of education in certain subjects. The CEO, governors, and trustees are well-informed about the school’s progress and have contributed to creating a more stable staffing environment, supported by the growing infrastructure of the trust.
Overall, while Kenton School has made progress in several areas, there remains work to be done to achieve a good rating. The leadership team is focused on addressing the identified challenges and is committed to fostering an environment conducive to student success.