St Bede’s Catholic Comprehensive School and Sixth Form College in Lanchester underwent its first inspection by Ofsted since becoming an academy in 2012. The inspection took place on March 21 and 22, 2023, and the overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement. The quality of education was deemed good, while behavior and attitudes were rated as requiring improvement. Personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision were all rated as good.
The inspection revealed a decline in pupil behavior since the previous inspection, with leaders failing to adequately address issues such as truancy, disrespect towards staff, and disruptions during social times. Although many pupils feel safe at school, concerns about behavior and bullying were raised by some students. Recent efforts by leaders to increase expectations for pupil conduct have not yet yielded positive results for the most challenging students.
Despite these challenges, the school has established a strong curriculum that is well-taught by knowledgeable teachers. A variety of extracurricular activities are offered, allowing pupils to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Pupils, including sixth-form students, actively participate in community service and charity work, demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility.
Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that caters to pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers are trained to ensure that new content connects with prior knowledge, and assessment is used effectively in most subjects. However, some pupils struggle to recall important knowledge in a few areas, hindering their ability to build on previous learning.
A positive reading culture is promoted throughout the school, with careful consideration given to the selection of books for pupils. Support is provided for those needing help with reading, and sixth-form students assist younger pupils as reading buddies. Pupils with special educational needs receive appropriate support, and teachers adapt their teaching to meet individual needs. However, the management of information regarding these pupils is fragmented, making it difficult for leaders to maintain a clear overview of their needs.
While good behavior was observed in lessons, incidents of poor behavior disrupt the school environment. Leaders have not effectively addressed the root causes of these behavioral issues, resulting in a high number of internal isolations and suspensions. The personal development curriculum is well-planned, covering essential topics such as safety and tolerance, but there is room for improvement in relationships and sex education.
The sixth form is considered a strength of the school, offering a broad range of subjects and high-quality teaching. Students are well-supported by a strong pastoral team and appreciate the guidance from their personal tutors. However, the personal, social, and health education curriculum sometimes fails to build on prior knowledge.
Leadership has seen significant changes since the last inspection, and while leaders have ensured a good quality of education, they have not acted swiftly enough to address behavioral concerns. The local governing committee is committed to its role but lacks a systematic approach to gathering stakeholder feedback, which affects their understanding of the school community's sentiments.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with experienced leaders ensuring that staff are trained to recognize and respond to potential harm. Concerns are recorded and addressed promptly, with appropriate referrals made to children's services when necessary.
To improve, leaders must tackle poor pupil behavior consistently and ensure that staff feel supported in addressing these issues. They should also seek stakeholder feedback systematically to regain confidence in the school's leadership. Additionally, the management of behavior records and information regarding pupils with special educational needs needs to be streamlined for better analysis and interpretation.