Stephenson Academy, located in Milton Keynes, is a school that caters to pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs. The recent inspection conducted in December 2018 rated the school as good across all areas, including leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior, welfare, and outcomes for pupils. The executive principal and the leadership team set high expectations for both staff and students, focusing on the social, emotional, and academic development of pupils. The teaching staff is committed to providing a well-structured learning environment where pupils can deepen their understanding through well-sequenced lessons.
Pupils at Stephenson Academy demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, largely due to the effective behavior management strategies implemented by the staff. The school has seen improvements in pupil behavior, which has contributed to a more conducive learning atmosphere. Pupils achieve well across a range of subjects, making strong progress from their individual starting points. The school also provides strong support for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs, ensuring that they learn how to keep themselves safe.
The curriculum at Stephenson Academy is broad, balanced, and creative, tailored to meet the diverse needs of the pupils. The school emphasizes the importance of careers guidance, enabling a significant number of pupils to access further education and apprenticeships. The effective use of funding for disadvantaged pupils has resulted in high-quality support, allowing these students to make substantial progress. In the sixth form, students continue to thrive, studying a curriculum that aligns with their interests and future aspirations.
Despite the overall positive outcomes, the inspection highlighted areas for improvement. Some teachers and support staff do not consistently utilize information from pupils' education, health, and care plans effectively, which can hinder the personalization of teaching. Additionally, there is a need to enhance the school's writing strategy to foster more positive attitudes towards writing among pupils and to improve their writing skills across subjects.
Governance at Stephenson Academy is effective, with governors bringing a wealth of educational expertise to their roles. They challenge and support senior leaders, ensuring that the school's vision for pupil development is realized. The governing body is well-informed about the school's strengths and areas for improvement, allowing them to provide effective oversight.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are robust, with leaders ensuring that pupils receive the necessary support to address their social, emotional, and mental health needs. Staff are vigilant in monitoring pupils' well-being, and there are effective procedures in place to address any safeguarding concerns.
In summary, Stephenson Academy is a good school that effectively supports pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs. The leadership team is dedicated to fostering an environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in the consistent application of individualized teaching strategies and writing development, the overall effectiveness of the school is commendable. The commitment to providing a broad and balanced curriculum, along with strong support systems, positions the school well for continued success in the future.