Set Beccles School, located in Suffolk, has undergone significant changes over the past two years, which have had a noticeable impact on the school environment. The headteacher, Neil Ketteringham, leads the school, which is part of the Seckford Education Trust. The recent inspection conducted on February 7 and 8, 2024, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement, reflecting challenges in various areas including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.
Despite the changes, both pupils and staff have reported seeing positive improvements. Pupils feel supported by staff and know how to report concerns, contributing to a sense of safety within the school. Most students exhibit respectful behavior and understand the school's expectations, although some struggle to meet these standards consistently. Reports indicate that while unkind language is infrequent, there are still instances of negative behavior, and the school is working to enhance its behavior management strategies.
The academic expectations for pupils are increasing, yet many do not achieve their full potential. The curriculum is designed to equip students with essential knowledge, but it is still in the early stages of implementation, leading to gaps in learning. Assessment practices are inconsistent, which hampers the ability to identify and address individual learning needs effectively. The school is making strides in supporting weaker readers, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance to keep pace with their peers.
The specialist provision known as The Forge offers a supportive environment for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, allowing them to progress in their learning. However, attendance remains a concern, with some pupils experiencing long absences that hinder their educational progress. Although the school has systems in place to ensure the safety of these students, the lack of consistent attendance limits their opportunities to catch up on missed learning.
The school has implemented a comprehensive personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum, which aims to help pupils understand their mental and physical health and the importance of healthy relationships. However, engagement levels vary, and some pupils do not fully benefit from the program. The careers program is developing but is not yet fully realized, limiting pupils' exposure to further education and employment opportunities.
Leadership changes within the trust have brought about necessary support to address the school's weaknesses. Staff now have opportunities to collaborate and enhance their teaching practices. However, the implementation of new strategies is still in progress, and the school is working towards establishing a shared vision for improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at Set Beccles School are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of pupils. To improve, the school must focus on increasing attendance rates, consistently implementing behavior policies, and enhancing assessment practices to better identify and address gaps in learning. By addressing these areas, the school can work towards providing a more effective educational experience for all its pupils.