St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, has been rated as good in all areas following its inspection on January 18 and 19, 2023. The school provides a positive learning environment where pupils are enthusiastic about their education and demonstrate a strong understanding of the subjects they study. They develop into confident and resilient learners, achieving well and being well-prepared for their future educational journeys. The school offers a broad range of opportunities for pupils to engage in music, drama, and sports, fostering a sense of pride in their contributions to school life. Pupils take their responsibilities seriously, participating actively in roles such as eco-council members and playground buddies, which helps them learn to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
The high expectations set by the staff contribute to a respectful atmosphere where pupils listen attentively and engage thoughtfully in discussions. The school prioritizes the well-being of its students, ensuring that they feel safe and supported. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils are confident that their concerns will be addressed by the staff. Parents express overwhelming positivity about the school, appreciating its caring ethos that allows their children to thrive.
The leadership team has implemented a well-structured and ambitious curriculum that is designed to be inclusive and challenging for all pupils. Teachers are knowledgeable and plan lessons that build on prior learning, ensuring that pupils develop a deep understanding of the subjects. Regular assessments help teachers gauge pupils' understanding, allowing for timely interventions when necessary. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, can access and succeed in their learning.
Reading is a significant focus within the school, with pupils expressing enjoyment in reading and being read to. The school has adopted a systematic approach to teaching phonics, which has proven effective in helping children in the early years and key stage one develop their reading skills. However, there are some areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all staff are adequately trained to support less confident readers in key stage two, as some pupils are not progressing as quickly as they could.
In the early years, the curriculum is designed to provide children with a solid foundation for their future learning. There is a strong emphasis on language development and mathematical understanding, and children are encouraged to play and interact positively with one another. However, not all staff are fully confident in extending children's learning through play, which can limit some children's progress.
The school promotes personal development effectively, teaching pupils about tolerance, respect, and healthy relationships. Pupils engage in discussions that encourage them to consider different viewpoints and understand their roles as responsible citizens. The governing body and trust actively monitor the school's progress, ensuring that leaders are making a positive impact on pupils' experiences.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are robust, with staff receiving regular training to recognize and respond to potential risks. Leaders prioritize safeguarding, ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and that vulnerable children receive the support they need. Overall, St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally, although there are areas identified for further development to enhance the educational experience for all students.