Robert Fitzroy Academy is a primary school located in Croydon, part of the REAch2 Academy Trust. The school is led by headteacher Hayley French and has been recognized as a good school following an inspection conducted on 22 and 23 November 2023. The inspection team noted that the school maintains a welcoming environment where kindness and respect are integral to the culture. Pupils are encouraged to be mindful of their behavior and its impact on others, with initiatives such as sending appreciation cards to emergency service workers during the Christmas season fostering a sense of community and empathy.
The school has high expectations for pupil achievement, which is reflected in its ambitious curriculum designed to build knowledge and understanding progressively. Recent efforts by staff and leaders have focused on refining the curriculum to ensure that learning is coherent and sequential. For instance, Year 2 pupils learn about balanced diets before advancing to how the body utilizes food in Year 3. This structured approach is evident across various subjects, including physical education, where skills are taught in a logical progression.
Beyond academics, the school provides a wide range of experiences that enrich pupils' learning. Activities such as hiking in rural settings, visiting horse stables, and attending West End theatre productions are highly valued by pupils, parents, and carers. These experiences contribute to a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom.
The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, with leaders making recent adjustments to enhance the order of knowledge delivery. Teachers effectively utilize their subject knowledge to help pupils recall prior learning, and support is provided for those with lower starting points in speech and language. This includes tailored sessions and adjustments to teaching methods that benefit all pupils, fostering a strong foundation in vocabulary and communication skills.
However, the inspection highlighted areas for improvement. In some subjects, recent changes have led to a focus on short-term knowledge that does not always connect with more complex concepts. While pupils can recall facts and vocabulary, they sometimes struggle to discuss and apply sophisticated ideas. The school is encouraged to ensure that teaching emphasizes the connections between facts and broader concepts to deepen understanding over time.
Reading is a priority for the school, with a new phonics scheme recently introduced. Leaders closely monitor phonics instruction to ensure that children learn essential decoding skills from the start of their education. Additional support is provided for pupils who require extra help, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to develop their reading skills effectively.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are identified promptly, and tailored support is provided to meet their individual needs. The school fosters a culture of attentiveness and focus, with established routines that encourage pupils to embrace challenges and persist in their learning. Regular attendance is promoted, and leaders actively seek to understand and address any barriers to attendance.
The school also prioritizes teaching about health, relationships, and safety, including online safety. By promoting awareness of different cultures and religions, the school encourages tolerance and respect among pupils. Mental health support is robust, with strategies in place to help pupils recognize when they need assistance and where to find it.
Overall, Robert Fitzroy Academy continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a high-quality education, fostering a supportive environment, and ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for their future endeavors. The school is well-regarded within the community, and its leadership is focused on ongoing improvement to enhance the educational experience for all pupils.