Hersden Village Primary School, located in Canterbury, Kent, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in March 2019. The leadership and management of the school have been rated as outstanding, reflecting a strong commitment to providing high-quality education. The headteacher and senior leadership team foster a collaborative culture that promotes achievement and aspiration among both staff and students. The school has made significant improvements and actively develops teachers' expertise and leadership skills.
The early years provision at Hersden Village is outstanding, with children receiving an excellent start to their education. They thrive in a nurturing environment and make strong progress from their starting points. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is good, resulting in pupils making typically good progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school effectively utilizes additional funding to support vulnerable pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Despite the overall positive outcomes, there are areas for improvement. Occasionally, teachers' expectations are not high enough, and some challenges for pupils do not demand sufficient depth of learning. This particularly affects the most able pupils, as too few achieve higher standards by the end of key stage two. The curriculum is rich and vibrant, providing memorable learning experiences, but in some subjects, there is a need for greater challenge to enable pupils to deepen their skills and understanding.
Pupils at Hersden Village Primary School exhibit good behavior and feel safe within the school environment. Their well-being and safeguarding are prioritized, and the school has made strides in improving attendance, although there is still work to be done in promoting regular attendance among all pupils. The governors and directors provide appropriate support and challenge to the school's leadership.
To further improve, the school aims to raise achievement at the end of key stage two, ensuring a larger proportion of pupils, especially the most able, achieve greater depth and higher standards across all subjects. Additionally, the school seeks to ensure that teaching consistently provides appropriate challenges for all pupils, enabling them to develop strong subject-specific skills and knowledge. Strengthening partnerships with parents to encourage regular attendance is also a key focus.
The inspection highlighted the effectiveness of the school's leadership, which is characterized by high expectations and a commitment to continuous improvement. The collaborative culture within the school benefits both staff and pupils, fostering a supportive environment where teachers feel valued and motivated. The school is proactive in addressing the needs of vulnerable pupils and ensuring that they achieve well.
Overall, Hersden Village Primary School is a good school with outstanding leadership and management. The positive attitudes of pupils, the quality of teaching, and the effective use of resources contribute to a strong educational experience. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement, focusing on raising standards and ensuring that all pupils reach their full potential.