Goldsmith Primary Academy, located in Harden, West Midlands, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection, conducted on November 2 and 3, 2022, highlighted the school’s commitment to fostering an environment where pupils can Dream, Rise, and Aspire. The leadership team is described as inspirational, with high expectations for all students, and a curriculum that is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to achieve commendable results.
The personal development of pupils is noted as exceptionally well-developed, with students expressing that the school’s rules and values contribute positively to their growth and sense of belonging. They take pride in the opportunities provided to them, which include facing new challenges and meeting inspiring individuals. Behaviour among pupils is consistently good, with cooperative interactions in class and a caring attitude towards one another during playtime. The early years provision is also effective, with children engaging happily in play and learning activities. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils feel safe, knowing that adults will address any issues promptly. The relationships between staff and students are built on positivity and respect.
The leadership at Goldsmith Primary Academy has been pivotal in driving improvements over time. Leaders are dedicated to ensuring that both staff and pupils reach their full potential, instilling confidence in students to aim high academically and in their future careers. The curriculum is coherent and ambitious, with clear expectations set for what pupils need to learn. However, in a few subjects, the depth of knowledge required is not as detailed, which can hinder pupils' ability to build on prior learning effectively.
Teachers employ various strategies to assess pupils' understanding and address any gaps in knowledge. Older students utilize electronic devices for sharing work and receiving feedback, which enhances their learning experience. Reading is a daily activity, with younger children introduced to stories and phonics from the outset. Staff are well-trained in teaching phonics, ensuring that those who struggle with reading receive the necessary support to catch up. Weekly library visits and daily reading sessions contribute to developing confident and fluent readers.
The school is proactive in identifying pupils who require additional support, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum is adapted to ensure accessibility for all students, and parents appreciate the effective support provided to their children. Goldsmith Primary Academy has also established a robust personal development curriculum that addresses important issues such as equality and British values. Pupils are encouraged to participate in various extracurricular activities, including trips to London and theatre visits, fostering a sense of responsibility and community involvement.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges with attendance, as some pupils do not attend regularly enough, impacting their learning progress. Leaders are working with families and external agencies to address this issue. Additionally, there is a need for further refinement in curriculum planning in a few subjects to ensure that all pupils can build their knowledge effectively.
Overall, Goldsmith Primary Academy is a school that has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and fostering a supportive environment for its pupils. The commitment of the leadership team, the quality of teaching, and the emphasis on personal development contribute to a positive school culture where students can thrive. The school continues to strive for excellence, addressing areas for improvement while celebrating its successes.