Herons’ Moor Academy, located in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection in March 2020. The school emphasizes the belief that happy children are successful children, a sentiment echoed by pupils who feel supported in their learning environment. Students actively engage in setting personal targets aligned with the school’s values, fostering their development into better individuals. The academy promotes attributes that contribute to successful learning, with specific qualities outlined for different key stages. This approach has resulted in pupils achieving well compared to national standards.
The relationships between pupils and staff are generally positive, with additional support provided for those who struggle with behavior expectations. The school offers a ‘chill out’ club during lunchtimes for students needing a break, and pupils report that staff effectively address any instances of bullying. The vibrant atmosphere of the school is enhanced by interactions with students from a nearby special school, promoting an appreciation for diversity and equality.
Pupils participate in various extracurricular activities, including chess competitions and theater visits, and they enjoy having their achievements recognized in multiple settings. The school’s leadership has implemented a clear and methodical approach to curriculum planning, aiming to create a joyful learning experience while ensuring that pupils build on prior knowledge and prepare for future learning. The transition to a new multi-academy trust has provided valuable expertise to support the school’s ambitions.
Staff members have a clear understanding of the learning objectives for each subject and the desired outcomes for pupils. For instance, in history, teachers encourage students to think critically and engage in historical debates. Subject leaders are knowledgeable and capable of supporting their colleagues, although some subjects are still in the early stages of planning. There is a need for a more comprehensive oversight of the quality of pupils’ learning to ensure that curriculum goals are sufficiently challenging.
Collaboration with staff from other schools has been beneficial, positively impacting pupils’ learning and confidence in using subject-specific vocabulary. Teachers are dedicated to ensuring that all areas of the curriculum are well-planned while being mindful of staff well-being and workload. The school promotes a love for reading, with initiatives such as dressing as literary characters for World Book Day. Early phonics instruction lays a strong foundation for pupils, who generally meet expected standards in phonics screening checks.
Recent improvements in teaching have enhanced pupils’ mathematical fluency, with staff encouraging a growth mindset by allowing students to learn from mistakes. The special educational needs coordinator effectively advocates for pupils, providing tailored support for those with social, emotional, and therapeutic needs. While many parents express satisfaction with the care their children receive, some have raised concerns about the responsiveness to issues they bring up.
Pupils demonstrate attentiveness and respect during reflective times, learning about different cultures and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, with trained staff vigilant for signs of risk. Leaders have recognized the increasing need for additional support among pupils and have strengthened in-school resources while collaborating with external agencies.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that curriculum plans and assessments are consistently developed across all subjects, as disparities in understanding and skills have been noted. Subject leaders should enhance their oversight of the impact of their plans on pupils’ learning. Additionally, while leaders value parent relationships, some parents have expressed dissatisfaction, indicating a need for improved engagement opportunities. Overall, Herons’ Moor Academy continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational environment for its pupils.