Ofsted conducted a short inspection of St Columba’s Catholic Boys’ School on 23 January 2019, following its previous judgment of good in September 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld high educational standards, fostering an inclusive environment where every pupil is supported and challenged to achieve their best. The Catholic values of the school are evident in the safe and welcoming community, highlighted by an inspiring assembly focused on combating prejudice. Pupils expressed appreciation for the support provided by staff, and positive relationships contribute to their confidence in lessons.
The school has maintained high standards of behavior, with lower rates of absence and fixed-term exclusions compared to the national average. The previous inspection identified the need for improved use of assessment information to set challenging targets for pupils. Most pupils are now able to identify their targets and understand the steps needed to achieve them. In science, assessment practices effectively consolidate learning, while in English, there are inconsistencies in the quality of assessment and feedback, which need addressing.
Support from staff, parents, and carers is strong, with a high percentage of parents expressing positive views about the school. The governing body is committed and knowledgeable about the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, regularly engaging in challenging discussions regarding the school’s performance. Safeguarding measures are effective, with pupils feeling safe and well cared for, and staff trained to handle safeguarding issues appropriately.
The inspection findings highlighted the need for a cohesive approach to improve the extended writing skills of pupils, particularly in English, where progress for the most able is significantly weaker. While there has been some improvement in English results, the school must address the lack of skills in expressing opinions effectively in writing. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with complex needs, and has been effective in preparing them for further education.
The school has recently enhanced its careers education program, receiving positive feedback from governors and external partners. However, only a small percentage of pupils entered all English Baccalaureate subjects in 2018, indicating a need for further development in this area. The curriculum allows for a wide range of subjects, and the addition of drama has been a positive step.
Next steps for the school include developing a cohesive approach to improve writing skills, enhancing the quality of teaching and assessment in English, and reviewing the policy regarding the timing of the English language GCSE. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils, with a strong foundation for future success.