Orleans Park School, located in Twickenham, continues to be recognized as an outstanding educational institution. Under the leadership of headteacher Kathy Pacey, the school operates as a single academy trust, overseen by a board of trustees chaired by David Tanner. The recent inspection, conducted on November 22 and 23, 2023, reaffirmed the school's status, highlighting the thriving environment for pupils who are happy, safe, and achieving commendably.
Pupils at Orleans Park School demonstrate a strong commitment to the school's values of responsibility, resilience, and respect. By the end of Year 11, students are well-prepared for their future educational endeavors, whether they choose to continue in the school's sixth form or pursue other options. The school fosters respectful relationships among pupils and between pupils and staff, promoting a culture of responsibility and self-reflection that leads to positive behavior and exemplary attitudes toward learning.
The curriculum at Orleans Park is broad and rich, enhanced by the inclusion of additional subjects such as astronomy and vocational courses in the later years. Pupils are engaged and eager to learn, benefiting from numerous sporting opportunities and extracurricular activities, including debating and chess. Younger pupils are encouraged to participate in creative days and adventure trips, which contribute to their overall development and enjoyment of school life.
The school community takes pride in its achievements, with pupils expressing trust in the staff to prioritize their well-being. Instances of bullying are addressed promptly and effectively, ensuring a supportive environment. Feedback from parents and carers through the Ofsted survey reflects a high level of satisfaction with their children's education.
Orleans Park School excels in providing a comprehensive and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers are well-informed about individual pupil needs, allowing them to make necessary adaptations in teaching and resources. Reading is prioritized throughout the school, with targeted support for pupils requiring additional help, which enhances their confidence and access to the curriculum.
Leaders carefully consider the sequence in which subject content is taught, ensuring that pupils grasp essential concepts to become proficient in their subjects. This structured approach enables pupils to connect prior knowledge with new learning, fostering ambition and a desire to tackle increasingly complex tasks. The school maintains high expectations for attendance, resulting in impressive attendance rates and a strong commitment to academic success.
Beyond academics, the school emphasizes personal development, teaching pupils about mental well-being and fundamental British values. Pupils engage in a variety of cultural experiences and educational trips, including visits to museums and theaters, as well as international expeditions. A robust careers education program is embedded from Year 7 to Year 13, providing pupils with valuable interactions with employers and higher education institutions.
Trustees are actively involved in the school's governance, offering support and challenge to ensure continued excellence. Teachers appreciate the high-quality training and professional development opportunities available to them, contributing to a positive and supportive work environment. The entire school community takes pride in being part of Orleans Park School, which continues to demonstrate its commitment to outstanding education and pupil development.