Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Park View Primary Academy on December 14, 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The inspection involved discussions with the head of academy, senior leaders, trustees, and members of the academy advisory board, as well as classroom visits and evaluations of pupils' work.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. Leaders have implemented significant changes, including the appointment of new senior leaders, which has increased the school's capacity to improve the quality of education. An ambitious curriculum has been introduced, and staff are being supported to deliver a well-sequenced curriculum. The essential knowledge that pupils need to learn is clearly outlined and is now being taught consistently.
Since the new leadership's appointment, high expectations have been established, and both staff and pupils are responding positively. Staff understand the importance of following the curriculum consistently, which is helping pupils learn more effectively. Pupils recognize that their current learning will benefit them in the future, and they are approaching their studies with greater maturity and resilience.
The focus on expanding pupils' vocabulary is yielding positive results. In the early years, staff emphasize the important language that children should develop, and this is integrated into their play. Throughout the school, pupils are using vocabulary accurately to articulate their learning. For instance, older pupils can accurately describe the functions of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets using scientific terminology. This emphasis on vocabulary development is a consistent theme across the school.
Leaders have also ensured that staff regularly assess what pupils know and can do, aligning these assessments with the core knowledge that pupils are expected to acquire. However, in a few lessons, the explanation of new concepts could be clearer, which may hinder some pupils' understanding. Nevertheless, subject leadership is becoming increasingly effective, and leaders at all levels are addressing necessary improvements. As a result, areas of practice that were previously underdeveloped are now improving rapidly.
The support provided by trust and school leaders is highly effective. Staff leading curriculum subjects receive coaching and guidance, enabling them to evaluate the impact of the curriculum on pupils' learning. Leaders now have a clear understanding of the quality of education being delivered. When areas for improvement are identified, they are addressed through manageable and sustainable steps, leading to increased confidence among staff as their knowledge grows.
The school has fostered a cohesive staff team, with staff describing a positive atmosphere and a sense of unity. However, the curriculum for personal, social, health, and economic education has not been taught consistently enough, resulting in gaps in pupils' knowledge. While plans are in place to address this issue, full implementation has not yet occurred.
In summary, Park View Primary Academy has made notable progress since the last inspection, but further actions are required to ensure consistent delivery of the curriculum, particularly in PSHE education. The leadership team is committed to ongoing improvement, and with continued focus and support, the school is on a path toward achieving a good rating in the future.