Ryecroft Primary Academy is a larger-than-average primary school located in Bradford, West Yorkshire. The school has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection, transitioning from an inadequate rating to a good overall effectiveness rating. The leadership team, characterized by strong and united leadership, has implemented substantial changes that have positively impacted the quality of education and pupil behavior. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is now good, with teachers effectively planning lessons that challenge most pupils. However, while progress is evident, outcomes for pupils still require improvement, particularly in achieving consistently strong progress across a range of subjects.
The school has made notable strides in its English and mathematics curriculum, which is well-planned and effectively taught. Despite these advancements, the teaching of other subjects is less developed, leading to a lack of depth in pupils' knowledge in areas such as geography, history, and science. The leadership has ensured that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive high-quality support, contributing to their good progress. The early years provision is also strong, providing a solid foundation for children, including those as young as two years old.
Pupils demonstrate improved behavior and attitudes towards learning, with a calm and ordered environment established by the leadership. The school promotes personal development effectively, teaching pupils about safety and respect for diversity. However, attendance remains a challenge, with efforts ongoing to build relationships with parents and reduce persistent absence.
The inspection highlighted that while teaching has improved, outcomes for pupils are not yet good. Many pupils are not making rapid enough progress to reach expected standards by the end of key stages. The school has seen improvements in the proportion of pupils achieving expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics, particularly at the end of key stage one. However, the attainment levels remain generally low, although they are improving.
The leadership team is committed to further enhancing the quality of education. They are focused on ensuring that effective teaching and assessment practices are sustained and refined, aiming for more pupils to meet expected standards. Additionally, there is a concerted effort to deepen pupils' knowledge in subjects beyond English and mathematics, particularly for the most able learners. The school is also working to improve attendance by fostering strong relationships with families and utilizing available resources to address persistent absence.
Overall, Ryecroft Primary Academy has made commendable progress, with a strong leadership team driving improvements in teaching and learning. The school is well-positioned to continue its upward trajectory, with a clear focus on raising attainment and ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education that prepares them for future success. The commitment to personal development, behavior management, and the welfare of pupils further enhances the positive environment within the school. As the school continues to build on its successes, it remains dedicated to addressing the areas that require improvement, particularly in achieving better outcomes for all pupils.