Wigston Birkett House Community Special School, located in Wigston, Leicestershire, provides education for pupils aged four to nineteen with a diverse range of special educational needs and disabilities. The school has recently undergone an inspection on June 7 and 8, 2022, and has been rated as good in all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, early years provision, and sixth-form provision. This is a notable achievement, especially considering the previous inspection grade of outstanding.
Pupils at the school express enjoyment in attending and feel safe and happy within the supportive environment created by the staff. The relationships between staff and pupils are characterized by care and understanding, which allows for effective learning. Parents and carers have also voiced their appreciation for the support provided by the school, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their children and families.
The school has implemented a curriculum that is tailored to meet the wide-ranging needs and abilities of its pupils. After assessing individual needs, pupils are placed on one of three curriculum pathways, each designed to cater to different learning requirements. The blue pathway focuses on a sensory-based curriculum, while the yellow and green pathways offer a more traditional approach to subjects. Although most subjects are well-tailored to meet pupils' needs, there are concerns regarding the mathematics curriculum, where some pupils are introduced to concepts before they are adequately prepared.
Reading has been prioritized, particularly for pupils on the green and yellow pathways, with a systematic phonics program in place that has proven effective in helping pupils become confident readers. The early years provision is strong, with a focus on communication skills to support children's development. Older students benefit from a curriculum that prepares them for adult life, including access to careers education and work experience opportunities.
Staff collaboration is a strength of the school, with class teams working together to meet individual pupil needs. Individual education plans are created based on pupils' education, health, and care plans, although there is a need for a more consistent approach to monitoring the effectiveness of these targets. The school emphasizes the importance of developing pupils as individuals, instilling values such as respect and understanding of democracy through various activities.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a knowledgeable safeguarding team that closely monitors pupils' welfare. Staff are well-trained to recognize signs of concern and take appropriate action when necessary. The school maintains open communication with families, ensuring that parents are kept informed about their children's progress and well-being.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Leaders need to ensure that the mathematics curriculum is better sequenced to meet pupils' needs and that there is a comprehensive overview of individual education plan targets. This will help ensure that all pupils can achieve their maximum potential in their learning and development. Overall, Wigston Birkett House Community Special School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils, with a clear vision for continuous improvement.