Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Oak Academy on 19 July 2023, following three consecutive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. During the visit, discussions were held with the principal, senior leaders, the CEO of the multi-academy trust, staff, and trustees regarding the actions taken to enhance the school. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was also considered, alongside classroom observations, pupil interactions, and reviews of student work.
The findings indicate that Oak Academy continues to require improvement. While leaders have made strides in enhancing the school, further efforts are necessary for it to achieve a good rating. The school is advised to ensure that the intended curriculum is effectively implemented across all subjects for every pupil. Changes in leadership roles have occurred since the last inspection, with support from the trust aligning these roles with the school’s improvement priorities. This alignment has allowed leaders to concentrate on critical areas such as attendance and behavior.
A significant focus has been placed on improving the quality of education. Leaders have provided support to both new and established staff to implement the curriculum more effectively, ensuring that pupils know and remember more. Staff expectations for pupil performance have increased, leading to a noticeable improvement in pupil work and engagement. However, as some curriculum changes are still being embedded, the positive impact is not yet consistent across all areas and for all pupils.
Reading remains a priority, particularly as many pupils enter the school with reading ages below their chronological age. Robust systems are in place to assist these pupils in catching up. Following the last inspection, the school has ensured that behavior management processes are well understood and consistently followed by staff and pupils. Efforts to eliminate derogatory language have also shown positive results, with pupils recognizing the improvements. Many students express a positive view of the school and appreciate the relationships they have with staff.
The school has been designated as a priority within the trust, with trust leaders providing ongoing support throughout the improvement process. They systematically review various aspects of the school’s operations and offer challenges through the Academy Priority Support Committee. This support has proven effective, leading to the implementation of clear and coherent systems that are widely understood and utilized by all staff.
In summary, while Oak Academy has made progress in several areas, it still requires improvement. The leadership team is focused on enhancing the quality of education and addressing behavioral issues, with a strong emphasis on reading support for pupils. The ongoing collaboration with the multi-academy trust is crucial for sustaining momentum in the school’s improvement journey. The commitment to higher expectations for pupils and the establishment of effective systems are positive steps forward, but further work is needed to ensure that all pupils benefit from the intended curriculum and achieve their full potential. The school community is encouraged to continue building on these foundations to foster an environment conducive to learning and growth.