Whetley Academy, located in Bradford, West Yorkshire, is recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on September 27 and 28, 2023. The headteacher, Jonathan Townend, leads the school, which is part of the Delta Academies Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Paul Tarn and a board of trustees chaired by Steven Hodsman. The school prides itself on being diverse, inclusive, and caring, with a strong emphasis on the well-being and safety of its community. Staff members are dedicated to knowing their pupils well, which fosters a supportive environment. Students feel welcomed and included, even those who join mid-year, and instances of bullying are rare, with staff addressing any issues promptly.
The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. This ambition is reflected in the positive academic outcomes achieved by students over time. Pupils express pride in their school and are eager to engage with visitors. They appreciate the opportunities provided by the school to broaden their interests and take on responsibilities, such as participating in the school council and various after-school clubs. Older pupils also benefit from experiences like overnight residential trips, which help them develop independence and resilience.
Whetley Academy's leadership team is committed to delivering a high-quality education. They have prioritized curriculum development, resulting in an engaging curriculum that clearly outlines learning objectives. Teachers receive extensive training and coaching, enabling them to effectively teach the curriculum. Reading is a central focus, with daily reading sessions that enhance pupils' vocabulary and comprehension. Phonics instruction begins in Reception, and staff are skilled in teaching early reading, ensuring that pupils can confidently apply their phonics knowledge.
The school provides high levels of care and support in its nursery, where adults engage children with questions that enhance their understanding. Teachers generally demonstrate strong subject knowledge and ensure that pupils learn content in a logical sequence. In mathematics, for instance, pupils have opportunities to revisit and practice their skills, leading to a solid understanding of the subject. However, in some foundation subjects, assessment practices could be improved to ensure that pupils fully grasp prior content before tackling more complex tasks.
Whetley Academy effectively supports pupils with special educational needs, working closely with external professionals and parents to provide tailored support. The curriculum is designed to be ambitious for all pupils, and those with SEND thrive alongside their peers. Personal development is integrated into the curriculum, promoting respect and understanding of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Leaders are committed to preparing pupils for future career opportunities and life beyond school.
The trustees and academy advisory board possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They effectively challenge and support school leaders while considering staff well-being and workload. Staff morale is high, and they feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. Parents and carers express overwhelming positivity about the school.
The safeguarding arrangements at Whetley Academy are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The inspection highlighted the need for improvement in the use of assessment in some foundation subjects to ensure that pupils develop the necessary subject-specific knowledge. Leaders are encouraged to enhance their assessment practices to better support pupil learning. Overall, Whetley Academy continues to provide a good education, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for its pupils.