Greenwood Academy is a secondary school located in Castle Vale, Birmingham, which has recently undergone an inspection. The school has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The school is characterized by a caring and welcoming environment, where staff prioritize getting to know each pupil and fostering a strong sense of community. Leaders have established effective relationships with families and the wider community, which enhances the support available to students.
The school has high ambitions for its pupils, aiming for them to leave with the necessary qualifications and experiences for future success. Teachers maintain high expectations, and pupils respond positively, taking pride in their work and studies. Classrooms are conducive to learning, with respectful interactions between teachers and pupils. However, there are acknowledged areas for improvement regarding pupil behaviour, with leaders aware that it is not always perfect. Pupils understand the consequences of poor behaviour and feel that sanctions are applied fairly, with support provided to help them improve.
Bullying is taken seriously at Greenwood Academy, and pupils are confident in reporting any concerns, knowing that staff will address issues effectively. The school has a strong safeguarding culture, with a dedicated team that understands local risks and challenges. Staff are trained to recognize and report concerns, ensuring that pupils receive the necessary support.
The curriculum at Greenwood Academy is broad and well-structured, with a focus on the English Baccalaureate at key stage four. Pupils study a range of subjects, including Spanish and history, alongside vocational options. The sixth form offers a mix of academic and vocational courses, preparing students for their next steps in education or employment. Leaders have successfully improved the quality of subject curriculum plans, which are coherent and comprehensive. However, assessment practices need to be more effective, as gaps in pupils' knowledge are not always identified, leading to some pupils building new learning on unstable foundations.
Reading and numeracy are prioritized, with trained staff supporting weaker readers. Pupils are encouraged to engage with literature beyond their classroom studies, and there is a focus on developing the numeric knowledge required in subjects like science. The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they are valued members of the school community. However, there is still work to be done in ensuring that support strategies are coherent and effectively implemented.
The personal development programme is comprehensive, covering various important issues, including mental health and relationships. The school encourages social and cultural awareness among pupils, with initiatives like a social justice group. While attendance is an area of concern, particularly post-pandemic, leaders are actively working to address this issue. The governing body and trust provide support and challenge to school leaders, ensuring that improvements are made.
Overall, Greenwood Academy has made significant strides in its educational provision, creating a supportive and ambitious environment for its pupils. The school is committed to continuous improvement, with clear priorities identified for enhancing assessment practices, attendance, and support for pupils with special educational needs. The strong safeguarding culture and community engagement further contribute to the positive atmosphere within the school.