Sutton Community Academy has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, transforming into a school that is now regarded as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. The inspection, conducted on 26 and 27 April 2022, highlighted the positive changes that have taken place, with pupils and parents expressing optimism about the school's direction. Students appreciate the supportive learning environment where staff are committed to their success, with many noting that the school is much better than it used to be.
The school promotes inclusivity and provides strong support for its pupils. Most students demonstrate respect for one another and behave appropriately, with staff effectively managing any disruptions to learning. Incidents of bullying are taken seriously, and pupils feel comfortable reporting their concerns, knowing that staff will respond promptly. The school offers numerous opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents, including exciting initiatives like a planned expedition to Everest Base Camp.
Leadership at Sutton Community Academy has been characterized by a relentless determination to improve. Leaders work closely with trust leaders to identify priorities and implement necessary changes, fostering a culture of high aspirations for both staff and pupils. The curriculum has been enriched since the last inspection, with key stage three pupils now studying a broader range of subjects in greater depth. Almost all pupils in key stages three and four are learning a modern foreign language, and sixth-form students have access to a wide variety of academic and vocational courses.
Curriculum leaders have made significant strides in enhancing the quality of education, clearly outlining what pupils should learn and in what order. Subjects such as English, mathematics, history, and physical education have well-developed curriculums that help students secure their knowledge and skills. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in the consistency of feedback provided to pupils. Some teachers do not consistently address inaccuracies in students' work, which can lead to misunderstandings and gaps in knowledge.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, accurately identifying their needs. However, some teachers need to better utilize this information when planning lessons. The reading program during tutor time is beneficial, but not all teachers engage pupils effectively in this initiative. Attendance has been impacted by COVID-19, and while leaders are working to improve attendance rates, a significant number of pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged or have SEND, are still regularly absent.
Students in the sixth form enjoy their studies and appreciate the supportive relationships they have with staff. They receive valuable life skills education and are well-prepared for future opportunities, whether that be university or higher-level apprenticeships. The school promotes personal development effectively, teaching pupils about physical and mental health and potential risks in their community. However, the curriculum could better address British values.
Overall, Sutton Community Academy has made commendable progress, with strong leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement. The school is focused on ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, receive the support they need to succeed academically and personally. Continued efforts to enhance curriculum planning, feedback mechanisms, and attendance strategies will further strengthen the school's positive trajectory.