Summerfields Primary Academy, located in Royston, Barnsley, has recently undergone an inspection on October 25 and 26, 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school, led by headteacher Lisa Tabbner and part of the Pioneer Academies Community Trust, has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The school serves a mixed-gender population of 211 pupils aged four to eleven.
Pupils at Summerfields Primary Academy express pride in their school, feeling happy and safe while enjoying their learning experiences. The school emphasizes key values such as enjoyment, growth, resilience, and respect, which are integral to its culture. Staff actively celebrate pupils who embody these values, fostering a sense of community where both students and adults contribute to a positive environment. Relationships within the school community are strong, with initiatives like the Summerfield Speakers group allowing pupils to engage with visitors and share their experiences.
The school has high academic expectations, and most pupils demonstrate good behavior and a strong work ethic in lessons. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils feel confident that any issues will be addressed promptly by adults. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including arts and Lego clubs, and organizes special events that enhance the pupils' educational experience. Many pupils are eager to take on roles of responsibility, reflecting their desire to contribute positively to the school community.
The curriculum at Summerfields is designed to inspire and engage pupils, aligning with national standards. Leaders have identified essential knowledge in core subjects like English, mathematics, and science, ensuring that learning is structured in manageable steps. This approach has led to improved outcomes in these subjects. However, the curriculum in other areas, such as geography, requires further development, as some teachers lack clarity on the specific knowledge to be taught. This has resulted in lessons where the learning objectives may not be fully understood.
The school provides effective support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they have access to the same curriculum as their peers. Adaptations are made to help these pupils succeed, and leaders are currently reviewing the effectiveness of additional interventions. In the early years, the curriculum is well-structured to engage children and promote effective learning from the outset. Staff support children's communication skills through modeling language and encouraging full sentences.
Reading is prioritized at Summerfields, with leaders working to instill a love of reading among pupils. While book selections are thoughtful and reading challenges motivate students, the phonics program's delivery sometimes lacks consistency, hindering some pupils from achieving fluency in reading as quickly as they should. Attendance is another area of focus, with leaders actively engaging with parents to address absences, although some pupils still miss valuable learning time.
The school promotes personal development through various initiatives, teaching pupils about safety, healthy relationships, and respect for diversity. However, there is a need for a deeper understanding of fundamental British values among pupils. The multi-academy trust and local governing body provide effective support and challenge to the school, ensuring that improvements align with development plans. Most parents express strong support for the school, appreciating its inclusive and nurturing environment. Overall, Summerfields Primary Academy is making commendable strides in its educational provision, with clear areas identified for further enhancement.