Farringdon Academy, located in Sunderland, has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to Good across all areas. The inspection, conducted on March 1 and 2, 2022, highlighted the positive environment fostered by the staff, who demonstrate care and high expectations for their pupils. Students are well-mannered and friendly, contributing to a supportive school culture. The school emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, with pupils taking on roles such as Well-being Champion, Head Boy, and Head Girl, which enhances their sense of belonging and leadership skills.
From the early years, children are taught essential routines and behavior management, leading to a positive atmosphere where they settle quickly and engage in learning. The curriculum has been revised to ensure that it is comprehensive and builds knowledge year on year, with subject leaders providing strong support to staff. The reading curriculum is particularly effective, with a knowledgeable subject leader who trains staff in phonics and reading strategies. This has resulted in pupils becoming confident readers who enjoy discussing the books they read.
The school is committed to the well-being of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff are dedicated to ensuring that these pupils receive the necessary support to access the full curriculum. Teachers regularly assess pupil progress and implement interventions when needed, which helps students catch up and retain what they have learned.
Mathematics instruction is designed to reinforce previous learning, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge effectively. The curriculum in other subjects is also well-planned, although some pupils struggle to articulate what they have learned in areas such as science, history, and art. This is attributed to the recent introduction of certain topics and the disruptions caused by the pandemic.
The school has faced challenges due to COVID-19, which has limited extracurricular activities and educational visits. Leaders recognize the need to enhance pupils' broader development by reintroducing a variety of creative and cultural experiences. Pupils have opportunities to engage in healthy lifestyle activities, such as gardening, and can discuss their mental well-being with trained adults.
Governance at Farringdon Academy is strong, with trustees and governors effectively challenging school leaders and sharing a common vision for improvement. Staff report positively on the professional development and support they receive, contributing to a collaborative and motivated workforce.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to recognize and address pupil concerns. The school has established a culture where pupils feel safe and supported, and they know whom to approach for help. The curriculum includes lessons on staying safe in various situations, including online safety.
To continue its progress, the school must address gaps in knowledge that some pupils experienced during the pandemic. Leaders are tasked with ensuring that the curriculum allows all pupils to catch up and make the intended progress. Additionally, the school should focus on providing enrichment opportunities that broaden pupils' understanding of different cultures and beliefs, which have been limited in recent years. Overall, Farringdon Academy is on a positive trajectory, with a clear commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.