Woodvale Primary Academy, located in Northamptonshire, has recently undergone an inspection on December 13 and 14, 2023, and has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The principal, Matthew Reetz, leads the school, which is part of the Greenwood Academies Trust, overseen by CEO Wayne Norrie and a board of trustees chaired by Mike Hamlin.
The school embodies its values of strive, support, and succeed, which are evident in the experiences of both pupils and staff. Students express that they feel safe and supported, with many noting how the school environment helps them build confidence. The school promotes a culture of teamwork and encourages pupils to seek help when needed. Parents and carers echo these sentiments, affirming that their children feel secure in the school setting.
Woodvale Primary Academy has established clear rules encapsulated in the motto of being ready, respectful, and safe. The implementation of the Woodvale Way has been effective in teaching students essential routines and behaviours, such as proper assembly conduct and walking etiquette. Pupils enjoy earning reward points and participating in assemblies that celebrate their achievements, including special events like hot chocolate and cookies with parents. Leadership opportunities are available for students, allowing them to take on roles such as sports leaders and librarians, fostering a sense of responsibility and community.
The school has made significant strides since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The curriculum in early years is well-structured, laying a solid foundation for learning. However, there are areas where the curriculum does not fully prepare children for subsequent years, particularly in some subjects where the knowledge and vocabulary required for progression are not clearly defined. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and employ precise vocabulary to enhance learning, encouraging pupils to articulate their thoughts in full sentences.
While the school has effective routines in early years that help children settle quickly, there are still some subjects where checks on pupils' understanding and retention of knowledge are not yet fully established. Phonics instruction is consistent across the school, with early identification and support for children who may fall behind. The school promotes a love of reading, with engaging story times and a diverse selection of books that reflect the backgrounds of its pupils.
Behaviour in the school is generally good, with pupils understanding the consequences of not adhering to school rules. They appreciate the recognition they receive for positive behaviour, which reinforces the school’s expectations. Outdoor learning opportunities are valued by students, contributing to their overall well-being. The school also emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring that the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are met through targeted support and training for staff.
The inspection highlighted the need for the school to further refine its curriculum to ensure clarity in what pupils should know and remember at each stage of their education. This includes establishing checks to assess pupils' retention of knowledge across all subjects. The school is committed to addressing these areas for improvement to maximize the potential of all its students. Overall, Woodvale Primary Academy is a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters learning and personal growth among its pupils.