Oasis Academy Blakenhale Junior School, located in Birmingham, has been recognized for its significant improvements since the last inspection. The school has achieved a rating of good in overall effectiveness, leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior, welfare, and outcomes for pupils. The leadership team, under the guidance of the executive headteacher, has demonstrated ambition and commitment to driving improvements across the school. They have effectively addressed the areas identified for improvement in the previous inspection, leading to enhanced outcomes, teaching quality, and student behavior.
The school has implemented a well-balanced curriculum that includes a variety of enrichment activities, which have been positively received by pupils, parents, and staff. The curriculum is designed to engage students and promote their personal development. The school places a strong emphasis on physical and mental well-being, utilizing sports funding effectively to enhance pupils' fitness and enjoyment of physical activities. Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported in their learning environment.
Teaching quality is consistently good, with teachers providing opportunities for pupils to apply their skills in reading and mathematics. However, there are areas for improvement in writing, particularly in developing pupils' skills in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The school has recognized the need to enhance writing outcomes by providing more opportunities for independent writing across the curriculum and raising expectations for presentation and handwriting.
Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning and exhibit good behavior in and around the school. They feel safe and valued, and there is a strong sense of community among students from diverse backgrounds. Attendance rates are above average, reflecting the school's commitment to promoting regular attendance and engagement in school activities.
The school has made significant strides in improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, ensuring they make progress comparable to their peers. The effective use of additional funding has contributed to narrowing the achievement gap. The school has also focused on supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing tailored interventions to meet their individual needs.
Despite the overall positive findings, the school acknowledges the need to further develop pupils' understanding of fundamental British values and how these values influence their daily lives. This area of development is essential for preparing pupils for life in modern Britain.
In summary, Oasis Academy Blakenhale Junior School has made commendable progress since its last inspection, achieving good ratings across various aspects of school life. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, and the school community is supportive and engaged. While there are areas for further development, particularly in writing and understanding British values, the school is well-positioned to build on its successes and continue providing a high-quality education for its pupils.