Colne Primet Academy, located in Lancashire, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The school, which is part of the Pendle Education Trust, is led by headteacher Julia Pilkington and overseen by CEO Anita Ghidotti-Gibson and a board of trustees chaired by Rob Pheasey. The inspection highlighted several areas of strength and areas needing improvement.
Pupils at Colne Primet Academy are generally positive about their school experience, expressing pride in the improvements made in behavior and the overall school culture. They report feeling happy and safe, and there is a strong sense of community among students. However, a minority of pupils exhibit less positive attitudes towards learning, and attendance issues persist for some students, which affects their educational experience.
The school has made strides in raising expectations for pupil achievement, particularly for disadvantaged students, who are performing better than in the past. Despite this, inconsistencies in curriculum delivery and attendance issues hinder the overall achievement of some pupils. The school is committed to supporting the personal development of its students beyond academics, offering programs that promote community responsibility and global awareness.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the school has worked to strengthen its systems for promoting positive behavior and academic success. Leadership capacity has been bolstered, leading to improvements in pupil behavior and educational quality. However, the most recent published outcomes do not fully reflect the progress made by pupils relative to their starting points.
The curriculum has been revised to ensure that it is broad and ambitious, allowing all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, to access a well-defined body of knowledge. Most staff demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively engage pupils in learning. However, some staff lack the confidence to design lessons that fully support pupil learning, which can hinder the development of a rich knowledge base.
Assessment strategies are in place to check pupils' understanding, but there is variability in their effectiveness across subjects. Some staff are still developing their skills in using these assessments to address misconceptions promptly, which can lead to gaps in knowledge. The school has identified weaknesses in reading among older pupils, and while younger pupils receive adequate support, older students may not be catching up as effectively.
The school prioritizes attendance and has implemented strategies to improve rates, which have seen some success. However, a small number of pupils continue to have low attendance, missing out on critical learning opportunities. Additionally, a minority of pupils do not exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, which can disrupt the learning environment for others.
Colne Primet Academy provides a range of opportunities for pupils to develop their understanding of themselves and their role in society. The school emphasizes the importance of respectful citizenship and responsible decision-making. Many pupils, including those who speak English as an additional language, find success and progress to aspirational courses that prepare them for future endeavors.
In summary, while Colne Primet Academy has made significant improvements in various areas, challenges remain in ensuring consistent curriculum delivery, addressing attendance issues, and fostering positive attitudes towards learning among all pupils. The school is committed to addressing these challenges to enhance the educational experience for its students.